Full Susannah sleeve and remake of IT details

Posted: May 19, 2004, 00:00

Yesterday I got a copy of the finished UK edition of Song of Susannah (you can see the cover above) and after watching the illustrations I can only say Wow. They are a bit different from earlier once but they sure are nice!

The cover for the artist edition of Song of Susannah and a screensaver has been released.

The remake of IT will be done from Beverly Marsh's point of view acording to Peter Filardi.

Bev Vincent, Julie Sands and Peter Schink have written the script for a Dollar Baby version of King's story Lunch at the Gotham Cafe. They are calling it just Gotham Cafe though to make it a little flashier. Here are the (present) cast:

Steve: Ingo Rademacher
Diane: Julie Sands
Guy: Cullen Douglas
Humboldt: Charles Carroll

Director: Peter Schink
Script: Bev Vincent, Julie Sands and Peter Schink

According to AdWeek, ABC has not officially announced that Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital will not be back for a new season.

Now you can see the Dollar Baby The Last Rung on the Ladder online.

Salem's Lot remake and limited edition

Posted: May 18, 2004, 00:00
A 30 second teaser for the remake of Salem's Lot is now up on TNT's site. There is also a lot of additional info on the site.

Brian Freeman will run an exclusive interview with Jerad Walters of Centipede Press in this week's CD Weekly Newsletter. Jerad Walters is the man behind the new limited edition of Salem's Lot.

The King's lined up as judges

Posted: May 17, 2004, 00:00
The first part of Song of Susannah called 1st Stanza: Beamquake is now online.

LEWISTON (AP) -- High school juniors in Maine looking to make their names as writers will have a chance to get their work read by some of the state's better-known authors.

Novelists Stephen King, Tabitha King and Richard Russo are lined up to serve as judges in a new contest spearheaded by the Maine Community College System.

Gov. Baldacci is set to announce the contest details on Monday.

Stephen King made plans two years ago to teach writing to Maine middle schoolers through the state's laptop program. But last year he said he was too busy to make good on the offer.

Thanks to Rocky Wood.

The Talisman starts shooting in July

Posted: May 15, 2004, 23:21
The Talisman start shooting in July. It will be shoot in Vancouver and Ain't it Cool News has a link to the BC Film Commission's PDF filiming schedules (see image) where it's listed.

Thanks to David Sjödin.

Limited edition of 'Salem's Lot

Posted: May 15, 2004, 00:00
A limited edition of 'Salem's Lot is being published through Centipede Press this Halloween. It will include the original novel and two related short stories: Jerusalem's Lot and One for the Road as well as Stephen's introduction from the Pocket Books edition and over 50 pages of deleted scenes from the original manuscript which have never before been published. This limited edition of 300 copies will be available in October. Orders are currently being taken here. The price for this book is $470 or $950 for the deluxe.

Thanks to Thomas Teigen.

The May 21 (#766) issue of Entertainment Weekly, with "Reality TV Nation, Why we love it! Hate it!" on the cover, contains the new Pop of King column by King titled It's Alive! Alive! where King discusses three great books he's read lately.

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan.

The last four episodes of Kingdom Hospital have been pushed forward to June 24.

New book: Faithful

Posted: May 11, 2004, 00:00
King and Stewart O'Nan book about The Red Sox now has a title. It's Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the 2004 Season.

The book will be released in December 2004 and have 384 pages. You should probably not take the page count to seriously since the book isn't done yet. It will also be out as an unabridged audio book, no reader has been confirmed yet though. now has a synopsis for The Dark Tower VII but as usual you read it at you own risk.

Kristen Dalton's character (Dana Bright) won't appear in season 3 of The Dead Zone. The reason is budget constraints, but the producers have not ruled out using her character in future episodes.

Ed Zwick takes over The Talisman

Posted: May 9, 2004, 23:19
Aint It Cool News reports that Ed Zwick has taken over the director's chair for The Talisman after Vadim Perelman. They also have a review of Ehren Kruger's adaptation dated July 13th, 2003.

Thanks to David Sjödin.

Casting for The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon

Posted: May 7, 2004, 23:21
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon has gotten it's leading lady. Dakota Fanning, already a screen veteran with the likes of TAKEN and the current actioner MAN ON FIRE under her belt, will play the title role, and Laura Dern will also be part of the cast. Read more here.

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan.

Salem's Lot writer working on It

Posted: May 7, 2004, 00:00
TNT has released all the airdates (including re-runs) for Salem's Lot.

In the press material for Salem's Lot from TNT they state that Peter Filardi (writer) currently is working on a remake of IT for Warner...

Thanks to Creature Corner.

Dollar Baby: The Road Virus Heads North

Posted: May 1, 2004, 00:00
A new Dollar Baby is now in the making. This time it's The Road Virus Heads North.

Kingdom Hospital premiers in the UK on BBC Three tomorrow night at 10pm, check out the BBC mini site.

Thanks to UK SKEMERs.

According to King's message board, the show is on break until May 20th. It's best to keep an eye on the schedule in case that changes. ABC's info to King's office hasn't been completely accurate up to now...

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

He wrote The Journals of Eleanor Druse

Posted: April 29, 2004, 00:00

It has now been revealed on King's official site who wrote The Journals of Eleanor Druse: My Investigation of the Kingdom Hospital Incident. Here is what's said in the Kingdom Hospital FAQ:

Who wrote The Journals of Eleanor Druse?

It was written by author, Rick Dooling, who also wrote episodes 6, 7, 8 and 11 as well as co-writing episode 5 of Kingdom Hospital. Rick also served as a technical advisor and producer for the series. He is the author of White Man's Grave and Brain Storm.

There you have it, the secret is out.

Popup cover and more

Posted: April 20, 2004, 00:00
Here is the cover for the pop-up edition of The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.

King's official site has set up an FAQ about Kingdom Hospital.

A new Dollar Baby is in the making, this time it's All That You Love Will Be Carried Away.

I have 8 new promo shoots from Salem's Lot, including what will become the poster art.

Here is the cover of the UK ARC of Song of Susannah.

King has a new column out in Entertainment Weekly. It's called Pop of King: Head-Bangor's Ball and can be found in issue #762/763 with Spiderman on the cover.

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan.

Movie and stage news

Posted: April 13, 2004, 00:00

Here are two preproduction photos from The Man Who Loved Flowers. There is also an interview with its maker, Justin Zimmerman, online.

The Dollar Baby Here there be Tygers has now been released on the net.

Misery is on stage in Chicago from 7-11 July.

Thanks to Rocky Wood

Interview with Marsha DeFilippo

Posted: April 12, 2004, 00:00
I'm sure all of you have seen her name in different articles where she has commented on different issues regarding Stephen King but who is really Marsha DeFilippo, King's personal assistant? Well, I thought it was about time to find out so when I got the chance to talk to her I took it. Here is what she had to say.

The Talisman is set to start shooting in August.

Posted: April 10, 2004, 23:17
The Talisman is set to start shooting in August. Here are some info from yesterday's LA Times:

AT LONG LAST: After 20 some years in development hell, Stephen King's "The Talisman" is finally set to start shooting in August. Now the search is on for the crucial lead character, a young boy named Jack who travels to a parallel universe known as the Territories to find the talisman that will save his dying mother.

Universal originally bought the rights to King's novel for Steven Spielberg, who first became enamored with the project in 1984. When Spielberg's interest in directing the project waned, it stayed in limbo for several years until he and producer Kathleen Kennedy resurrected "The Talisman" as a miniseries for ABC, but it stalled.

Now the third time seems to be the charm for "The Talisman." Spielberg's DreamWorks is producing the project. Vadim Perelman, who helmed the company's recent Ben Kingsley starrer "House of Sand and Fog" is on board to direct. The good thing about the length of time it's taken to bring the popular novel to life is that in the interim, King and co-writer Peter Straub wrote a best-selling follow-up to the first tome called "Black House," which will make a perfect big-screen sequel to "The Talisman."

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Sly and Bacon out and Byrne and Prinze JR in

Posted: April 10, 2004, 20:55
There have been some changes in the casting of Dolan's Cadillac. Kevin Bacon and Sylvester Stallone are out and Gabriel Byrne will play Dolan and Freddie Prinze JR plays Robinson. Freddie Prinze JR confirmed this at the premiere of Scooby Doo 2 in London.

Thanks to endymion.

Mick Garris moving ahead with Desperation

Posted: April 9, 2004, 23:39
Creature Corner reports that Mick Garris is moving ahead with Desperation.

Garris told Creature Corner "We're working from King's feature script. "Though I'm putting it into the television 'acts' format. But very little is being changed."

Thanks to Mike Cahill.

Book news

Posted: April 9, 2004, 00:00
Here is all the available info about the pop-up edition of The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, and yes King will sign it.

Stephen King's The Dark Tower Concordance vol. 2 will be 320 pages long.

A new article that has quotes from Stewart O'Nan about the upcoming book about The Red Sox is now online. He talks about the format of the book more, and how they came up with the idea.

Thanks to Matt Neal.

Unfortunately there will be no second season of Kingdom Hospital.

Kingdom Hospital moves and a review

Posted: April 4, 2004, 00:00
Here is King's comment to ABC's move of Kingdom Hospital:

Dear Kingdom Hospital Viewers,
ABC may understand what they are doing with the schedule for Kingdom Hospital; I do not. All I can tell you for sure is that we will be telecasting new episodes 6-13 starting next Thursday, April 8th at 9 E/PT, 8 CT (check your local listings).

Best wishes,
Stephen King
Posted 2 April 2004

Here is my review of The Devil's Wine.

Audio cameo and more

Posted: April 2, 2004, 00:00
King will make an audio appearance in episode 6 of Kingdom Hospital, which airs this coming Thursday in its new time slot. This audio appearance is separate and different than the cameo where he will appear in person later in the series.

Here are the titles of the last episodes:

#13 is FINALE (2 hours)

King's column, Pop of King, returns in the April 9, 2004 (#759 with Bart Simpson on the cover) issue of Entertainment Weekly. In this one, titled Enquiring Minds, King explains why America is obsessed with celebrity affairs in National Enquirer magazine.

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan.

Michael Connelly's Award winning novel The Poet is now available in a Limited Edition with a new introduction by Stephen King. Read more here.

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan.

King is collected in Larry King's new book Remember Me When I Gone. It is what he would have written on his epitaph and also contains a sketch by King. Very short contribution though, only 1 or 2 lines. You can order it here.

Thanks to Brent Phillips.

Details about the Secret Window's DVD is now out. The DVD extra will include an audio commentary with director/screenwriter David Koepp, a collection of deleted scenes, CG storyboard animatics, a behind-the-scenes featurette and a few special effects featurettes. It will be released later this summer.

Thanks to DavisDVD.

Here is all you need if you're taking a vacation in Bangor, Maine.

Thanks to Brent.

The Dark Tower VII spoilers and more

Posted: April 1, 2004, 00:00
I have gotten some interesting descriptions on the plot of The Dark Tower VII but as usual there are BIG spoilers in them. Therefore you need to first click here and then on the images to read more, but be warned...

I have also found some info about the pop-up edition of The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (October) and Stephen King's The Dark Tower: A Concordance volume 2 (by Robin Furth) (November).

Cemetery Dance will release a limited edition of Bev Vincent's book The Road to The Dark Tower later this year. Here is what King had to say about it:

"Wonderful... opens doors to Roland's world that not even I knew existed. If you like the Dark Tower books, you'll like this one. Enthusiastically recommended." -- Stephen King

Grant's flyer for Song of Susannah

Posted: March 31, 2004, 00:00

Here is Grant's flyer for Song of Susannah.

Now you can order Grant's editions of Song of Susannah. I have also gotten a list of the contents of the book from one of the people who have received an ARC of the book. As usual you read at your own risk...there may be spoilers.

Territories discount

Posted: March 30, 2004, 00:00
Kingdom Hospital has moved from Wednesdays to Thursdays starting this week. That actually means we will get the same episode twice this week. Hook's Kingdom will first air on Wednesday March 31st and then REBROADCAST on Thursday April 1st. After that it's Thursdays that is Kingdom day!

Now I'm happy to be able to give all you loyal readers the chance to order the Dark Tower inspired CD Territories at a 25% discount. You only pay $9.95 instead of $12.95. The offer is valid between March 30 and April 15 2004. Don't forget to check out my review of the CD.

The remake of Salem's Lot will air on June 20 and June 21 2004 on TNT.

Kingdom Hospital: Hook's Kingdom

Posted: March 25, 2004, 00:00
's Kingdom (airs on March 31):

The psychic Mrs. Druse is called to assist when the trapped evil spirit of a tortured teenaged boy wreaks havoc on the staff, patients and innocent spirits inhabiting Kingdom Hospital. Meanwhile Dr. Hook forges a relationship of the mortal variety.

Now you can check out the cover for Bev Vincent's book The Road to The Dark Tower.

A description of Song of Susannah is now up at Read it at your own risk...

A book about baseball

Posted: March 23, 2004, 00:00
We have all asked the question. "What will be King's next book after The Dark Tower 7?" Well, guess what? It'll be a book about baseball!

To the right is a scan of the cover of Stephen King's The Dark Tower: A Concordance, Volume II. Unfortunately there isn't a bigger one available at this time...

King will be doing a cameo in Kingdom Hospital

Posted: March 20, 2004, 00:00

The moderator of King's message board has now confirmed that King will be doing a cameo in Kingdom Hospital. No specific episode was mentioned but it will air later in the season.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

An unknown poem by King has appeared on eBay. It's a poem with the title Dino that was published in Salt Hill Journal in 1994. King apparently agreed to submit the poem to the magazine as a favor to his friend, former program director and writer Stephen Dobyns. The copy that is on sale at eBay is one of approximately 5 copies signed by King as part of a benefit auction for the magazine.

Please note thought that I haven't gotten confirmation that this info is correct yet.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Donald M. Grant reports that their flyer for Song of Susannah is at the printers and soon sent out. They have also updated their website and now has images of all the different editions of Wolves of the Calla.

Thanks to Ron Glenn.

Susannah ARC and The West Side of Midnight

Posted: March 19, 2004, 00:00
OK, now it's theoretically possible to read Song of Susannah, the ARC's are starting to find their way out there. Here is the cover of the US ARC.

Here is a description of episode 4 of Kingdom Hospital:

The West Side of Midnight
Peter channels questions and messages from Kingdom Hospital's nine-year-old spiritual prisoner, Mary, through to Dr. Hook and Mrs. Druse, while his psychotic roommate begins to carry out the evil intentions of Mary's very wicked nemesis, Paul. Meanwhile, the hospital staff witnesses the resurgence of some of Kingdom Hospital's darkest, most deeply buried secrets.

UK cover for The Dark Tower VII

Posted: March 18, 2004, 00:00
Yesterday I gave you the US cover for The Dark Tower VII and I'm extremely happy to be able to show you the UK cover today. It follows the same style as the others.

Cover for The Dark Tower VII

Posted: March 17, 2004, 00:00

OK, here is what you have been waiting for; here is the cover for The Dark Tower VII. This is the cover of the audio edition and please note that this is a draft but I doubt it will change much, though.

Remember where you saw it first...

The Passion of Alicia

Posted: March 16, 2004, 00:00
King's new column is out in the March 19 issue of Entertainment Weekly. This one is called The Passion of Alicia.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

King is featured in the June 2004 Ellery Queen magazine. There is a reprint of The Wedding Gig and a new (short) interview with him about the magazine.

Thanks to Brent Phillips.

This is from the moderator of King's official site and explains what happened to the rebroadcast of episode 2 of Kingdom Hospital:

ABC originally intended to rebroadcast the second episode of Kingdom Hospital this past Saturday night. but did not do so because they had objections from the advertisers of America's Funniest Home Videos which was already slotted for that time period. We did not find out in time to notify you that ABC had changed their plans for the Saturday rebroadcast. We apologize for the inconvenience. They have told us they will rebroadcast this Saturday but we would suggest checking your local listings.

Remake of Pet Sematary

Posted: March 15, 2004, 00:00
Here is the latest news about the remake of Pet Sematary from Dark Horizons:

This "jump-out-of-your-cushion-seat do over" of the 1989 film will apparently concentrate on performances just as much as scares this time around. Why? The lead role - Paramount apparently wants George Clooney to play Dr. Creed. That may be the sole reason why the studio ultimately decided to go ahead and do a remake rather than a second sequel to the original film. No actual signings as yet though. The same writer of this version's script is also doing "Book of Skulls" about a transcript possessing powers of immortality - William Friedkin may have expressed interest.

Thanks to Anders.

Kingdom Hospital: Goodbye Kiss

Posted: March 11, 2004, 00:00
Here is the description of episode 3 of Kingdom Hospital called Goodbye Kiss:

When a murderous convict draws out a new element of evil among the mortal and spiritual worlds at Kingdom Hospital, the trapped ghost of an innocent little girl uses Peter Rickman and a catatonic, pediatric patient to form an alliance with Hook and Mrs. Druse.

It's being reported that Face/Off scribes Mike Werb and Michael Colleary have been tapped to write Pet Sematary for Paramount Pictures, a remake of the classic Stephen King adaptation.

Thanks to Bloody Disgusting.

An interview with David Koepp, screenwriter/director of Secret Window as well as several reviews is now online.

John Turturro talks Secret Window

Posted: March 10, 2004, 00:00
John Turturro talks about Secret Window in an online interview. And there is now a review of the movie online.

Sony Pictures Kingdom Hospital site has gotten an update and now contains a lot more then it did before. There are also a lot of art from Kingdom Hospital by Jamie Wyeth for sale right now.

King posted the following

Posted: March 8, 2004, 00:00
Today I took a look at the second episode of Kingdom Hospital and if you want a taste of what to expect this upcoming Wednesday you can read my review.

King posted the following in a mail to all the subscribers to his update mail:

Dear Constant Reader:

Thanks for making episode 1 an excellent success! The premiere of Kingdom Hospital did better than any ABC dramatic series in over 5 years! But we don't want to drop the ball now, so stick with us for episode 2 (Wed. March 10th at 10 PM). Remember that Kingdom Hospital is a 'novelization for television'. Like a novel, it will pay back dividends but you will have to give it a little bit of time.

Best wishes,

Stephen King

Airdates for Kingdom Hospital

Posted: March 5, 2004, 00:00
Here are the titles and airdates for the next six episodes of Kingdom Hospital:

02: Death's Kingdom (March 10, 2004)
03: Goodbye Kiss (March 17, 2004)
04: The West Side of Midnight (March 24, 2004)
05: Hook's Kingdom (March 31, 2004)
06: The Young And The Headless (April 7, 2004)
07: Black Noise (April 14, 2004)

First 5 episodes of Dead Zone

Posted: March 4, 2004, 00:00
An averaged of 15 million viewers saw the premier of Kingdom Hospital and there is now a behind the scenes and a new description of episode 2 online.

Season 3 of The Dead Zone premiers on USA Network on June 13 with a two-part episode entitled Finding Rachel. Here are the airdates and titles of the first 5 episodes:

01: Finding Rachel (part 1) (June 13, 2004)
02: Finding Rachel (part 2) (June 20, 2004)
03: Collision (June 27, 2004)
04: Cold Hard Truth (July 4, 2004)
05: Total Awareness (July 11, 2004)

Kingdom Hospital premiers

Posted: March 3, 2004, 11:08
Today the first episode of Kingdom Hospital premiers on ABC. After you have seen it you can come back here and read a description of what will happen in episode 2. Also, 2 more episodes of Investigating Kingdom Hospital: The Journals of Eleanor Druse are now online.

An interview with Johnny Depp and John Turturro from Secret Window is up at Extra.

Chappelle's Show airs at 9:30 p.m. Wednesdays on Comedy Central, with several repeats through the week. Tonight's episode features guest stars Eddie Griffin, Stephen King and Killer Mike.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Spoiler for Song of Susannah

Posted: March 2, 2004, 11:08
With only one day left until Kingdom Hospital premiers the Net is flooded with reviews and articles about the show.

Don't forget that Andrew McCarthy will be on both Good Morning America and The View tomorrow (March 3). My guess is that it's to promote Kingdom Hospital.

In another article (about how a reporter ended up being a character in a King book) there is a spoiler for Song of Susannah. Please read it on your own risk though and don't blame me if you find something you didn't want to know.

Kingdom Hospital interview

Posted: March 1, 2004, 11:07
>Today I have a new Kingdom Hospital interview for you. I recently got a chat with Ed Begley Jr who plays Dr. Jesse James. Also, don't forget last weeks interview with Richard Dooling, the producer and writer of several Kingdom Hospital episodes.

Pop of King returns with The Rating Game

Posted: February 29, 2004, 11:07
King returns in the March 5, 2004 (#754 with TV's FRIENDS on the cover) issue of Entertainment Weekly with his Pop of King column titled The Rating Game in which he takes on the film rating system.

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan.

The Kingdom Hospital Game is now up on the official Kingdom Hospital site.

More articles about Kingdom Hospital are now online. In one King says that the series is the best he's ever done.

Also, 2 more episodes of Investigating Kingdom Hospital: The Journals of Eleanor Druse is now online and ABC affiliates are showing the entire hour so, check your local listings for when it's on in your town.

Cemetery Dance will release the book Great Ghost Stories: Tales of Madness and Mystery in April this year. The book will contain King's The Reaper's Image and King will also sign the lettered edition.

King might do a cameo in Kingdom Hospital

Posted: February 28, 2004, 11:06
King might do a cameo in Kingdom Hospital and he already has a synopsis for a possible second season. Also, the pain room is now operational on the Kingdom site and 18 episodes of Investigating Kingdom Hospital: The Journals of Eleanor Druse is now online.

Kingdom Hospital producer interviewed

Posted: February 26, 2004, 11:05
Today I have a new interview for you. I got a chat with Richard Dooling, the man who is the producer and writer of several Kingdom Hospital episodes.

There is also a new trailer for Kingdom Hospital online. It's not that different from the last one but still, there are some new scenes.

And there is a whole bunch of articles/reviews about the show.

Kingdom Hospital in TV Guide

Posted: February 25, 2004, 11:04
King's official site reports that Kingdom Hospital is featured in TV Guide and that the first review has appeared in Time Magazine. Readers of this site knows though that the first review appeared here about a week ago...

Brian and Bev brings a trivia book

Posted: February 24, 2004, 11:04
Scribner has The Dark Tower VII listed as being 768 pages long. Wolves of the Calla were 736 and Song of Susannah will be 432 pages long (this is all for the US editions).

A new article about Kingdom Hospital is now online and to the right you can see the latest ad for it. It's also official that the song Worry About You by Ivy has been chosen as the theme song for the series.

Over at Andrew McCarthy's official site you can now read an interview with him.

Brian Freeman and Bev Vincent are joining forces to produce a the book The Ultimate Stephen King Trivia Book in which you can get your questions published. Read more on the official site.

A documentary about Eleanor Druse

Posted: February 23, 2004, 11:04

TNT's official Salem's Lot site is now online. There are some quite interesting images to check out.

According to Andrew McCarthy's official site he will be on both Good Morning America and The View on March 3. It doesn't say on the site but my guess is that it's to promote Kingdom Hospital.

You can also check out part 9-10 of documentary about Eleanor Druse; Investigating Kingdom Hospital: The Journals of Eleanor Druse. I don't know what happened to part 6-8 but I guess they will be online soon.

There is also an article about the documentary and an interview with Bruce Davison online.