In regards to my post from yesterday about that King and Straub hope to write The Talisman 3 next year I want to make it extra clear that it’s their PLAN to do it but it’s NOT set in stone yet and as everyone who has ever made plans to do something know…it’s not always the plan work as you had hoped. Before they can start they will have to coordinate their schedules and so far nothing has been written. So let’s hope they can work their schedule out and once they do I bet it will be info about it on both authors website.
King gave us some very interesting news yesterday at the reading in Washington, D.C. about the third book about Jack Sawyer. King confirmed that it was supposed to be a trilogy and that he had already worked out the framework for the third book in his head. He also said he hoped to write it with Peter Straub during next year.
After reading this I emailed Peter who confirmed that the plan is to write the book next year. So, very good news for all fans of The Talisman and Black House!
King’s latest book, Revival, is out and I would like to do the same thing I did when Mr Mercedes was released. I want to put together a page with photos of you all and your copy of Revival. All you need to do is send me a photo (this should open an email but if it dosn't, send the photo to info[a] of yourself and the book (any edition works) and I’ll post them here. If you don’t want to send it by email you can also post it on the facebook page and I’ll grab it there. I would also like to ask you to include your name, town and country so that I can list that with the photo. You can see what it will look like at the Mr Mercedes page.
With the release of Mr Mercedes over 200 of you sent in a photo but I think we can do better with Revival, right? Check out all the Revival photos here.
OK, Revival is out tomorrow and the contest is over and the winners has been drawn. But first, here are the right answers:
1. What date is Revival released in the UK?
- November 11, 2014
2. Who narrates the audio edition of Revival?
- David Morse
3. Who said the following about Revival: This is an electrifying new book from Stephen King
- UK Editor Philippa Pride
The grand prize, a UK galley of Revival that only exists in 200 copies went to Benny West and the three UK hardbacks went to Wies Mielniczyn, Petr Laycock and Nick Rich. Congratulations to you all and thanks to Hodder & Stoughton who donated the books! And thanks to everyone who entered!
Rocky Wood’s updated fourth edition of Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished is now available in paperback and eBook.
Rocky has been working directly with Stephen King on much of this and he has been able to clear up many mysteries and reveal even more 'lost' works from King’s past, including the school play King wrote, a busted novel, another lost poem, unpublished stories from the 1970s, stories from his fanfic days, a story he won't prize and a lecture for, and eight new uncollected stories, amongst others.
So, if you’re a fan of King’s work you definitely want to check this one out!
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams will, according to King's site, be released on November 30, 2015. And it will NOT include any of the stories King has collaborated with another author on.
A lot of news about new books and stories has been popping up during the last days and I thought it would be a good thing to list it all in one place so here we go.
Finders Keepers:
This is the second of three books about detective Bill Hodges and now it has a release date. It will be released on June 2, 2015 and be 448 pages long, or in King’s case short.
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
The next collection from King now has a title; The Bazaar of Bad Dreams. It will be released on November 30, 2015 and contain about 20 short tales. No titles of the tales has been released yet.
Something with his son Owen
King has stated that he is working on something with his son Owen. No more info has been release.
One more story about Stu & Fran from The Stand
King has stated that there’s one more story about Stu and Fran that needs to be told. King hasn’t written this one yet though.
There's one Stand story that still needs to be told, although it's not a long one. I happen to know that when [Stand characters] Stu Redman and Frannie Goldsmith headed back to New England (with their baby), Frannie fell into a dry well. That's all I know. I'd have to write the story to find out what happens.
One more Dark Tower book
King has stated that he’d like to revisit The Dark Tower series and possibly write one more book about The Fall of Gilead.
In the not too distant future, King says he'd like to revisit his seminal Dark Tower series and possibly write one more addition to his fantasy epic.
"The one thing that is missing in the books is The Fall of Gilead," he says.
"But I'd like to go back to all of them and revise the whole series because it’s really one book. I’m delighted people loved them, but I think of those books as a rough first draft of a very long novel. I’d like to go back and rewrite 'em all."
Word is that King will be a guest on The Today Show on Tuesday, November 11th. This has not been confirmed on the shows site or on King's site yet though.
Here is a new interview with King about Revival but he also mentions two other very interesting things. The first one is that he is working on something with his son Owen. No info about what or when we might read it but it will be interesting to see how they collaborate.
I enjoy working with them, though, because we fit together. I've got something going with Owen now, and I've collaborated with Joe on two novellas, Throttle and In the Tall Grass.
The other thing is that he isn’t done with Stu and Frannie from The Stand. There is still a short story about them that needs to be told…
There's one Stand story that still needs to be told, although it's not a long one. I happen to know that when [Stand characters] Stu Redman and Frannie Goldsmith headed back to New England (with their baby), Frannie fell into a dry well. That's all I know. I'd have to write the story to find out what happens.
If you haven’t already heard about Stephen King Revisited you need to check it out now. It’s Richard Chizmar from Cemetery Dance who sets out to read all of King’s book in chronological order, starting with Carrie. After reading each book he will then post comments and thoughts about it as well as have guests post their own essays about the books. The first one is by Bev Vincent and about how Carrie happened.
I wish I had the time to join in but I don’t. If you do I strongly encourage you do to do so. It’ll be a very interesting ride!
If you live in London (UK) you can get King's new book the second it's out...or why not be there early and get a limited version?
Stephen King fans will have the chance to get their hands on his electrifying new book, Revival, the moment it’s released, at a midnight launch at Waterstones Piccadilly. Doors open at 11.30pm on 10th November, and attendees will enjoy retro fairground-themed entertainment, snacks and beverages while they wait for the clock to strike twelve.
The first fifty people in the queue will be able to purchase the Revival Collector’s Set - a limited edition hardback with deluxe binding, slipcase, illustrated endpapers, author’s facsimile signature and a silver plectrum engraved with the author’s signature.
Both Amazon and Simon & Schuster lists King's next book (after Revival) Finders Keepers to be released on June 2, 2015. This is the second book about Bill Hodges and both sources list it to be 448 pages long. has launched a site called Prepare For Revival. This is a social experiment intended to help readers understand just how dark Revival actually is. Here is how they describe the site:
As Revival is perhaps Stephen's darkest novel to date, some Constant Readers may wish to take some time to prepare for the experience of reading the story.
Prepare for Revival is intended for Stephen's fans to explore the dark side of the human condition in anticipation of reading the novel. Prepare for Revival invites you to explore and anonymously share your innermost thoughts on the major themes contained within the story.
Users can safely and securely post their experiences and feelings about Faith, Tragedy, Disillusion, Addiction, Curiosity, Obsession, Death and The Afterlife.
Once users have read the novel, fans can also post their thoughts on Revival, its plot, characters, events and the larger-than-life climax.
Here is an interesting interview with King from 1990. Unfortunately King’s responses are dubbed into French but there are still some cool scenes of King and his house in it.
Rolling Stone has done an in-depth interview with Stephen covering his life, his career, beliefs and what his legacy might be. It will be on stands for two weeks beginning October 24th (cover date 11/6). This is one you won't want to miss!
Here is your chance to bid on and win a great Stephen King collection of 11 volumes, one signed. And the best part: 100% of the proceeds will go directly to King's Haven Foundation. Read more about it here
2) Audio Message - Speak Pipe widget on the right hand of the podcast page (send voicemail)
In this podcast:
1) 00:00 - Intro
2) 00:56 - Podcast Setup
3) 01:27 - From The Death Room - The Latest Stephen King News
4) 16:35 - Reviews From The Night Shift - That Bus Is Another World
5) 36:59 -Reviews From The Night Shift - A Good Marriage
6) 42:57 - Signoff & Next Podcast Preview
7) 44:56 - Outre
Intro Music - Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
Looks like the list of short stories that will be in the upcoming collection has been set…but not yet released. Here is the confirmation from the moderator on King’s official board:
The list has already been set but I can't reveal yet which ones made the cut.
And on a question about if it would just contain stories or also poems and essays the answer was:
Yes, but not anything I can share publicly yet, or long story short
Looking for limited edition prints from The Shining and Doctor Sleep? Then this is for you!
Today I’m launching a sale on all limited edition prints. From now until December 31st there will be 25% off the price of limited edition prints, so each print will be reduced from £90 to £67.50 (not including shipping).
Furthermore, the image I did for the wraparound dust jacket for the limited edition of The Shining is now also available as a limited edition print.
King and his son Joe Hill comments on eachothers movies in Vulture.
What Do They Think of Each Other's Movies?
We reached out to Hill and King to find out what the father and son had to say about the other's movie.
Hill: "A Good Marriage explores a grim subject — what if the person sleeping next to you every night was a monster? — with a moral intelligence and a calm, clear-eyed authority that is rare in any form of storytelling, but especially in the movies, and especially these days. I'm a words guy, and I thought this film was full of great ones. Also I'm sick of CGI skyscrapers collapsing in a big crash of digital dust and Dolby noise. I'm bored of CGI robots beating dents into each other. All the software in the world can't give you a great story or a wrenching performance like you get in MARRIAGE from Joan Allen. To me, those unique human contributions are the first and best effect of them all ... and the one reason to still love the movies."
King: "I liked Horns for the crisp, bright cinematography, but what I loved about it is the fearless way it mixes humor and horror, creating an all new taste treat. Daniel Radcliffe's performance encompasses both the laughs and screams effortlessly. I go to the movies to be entertained. Horns was big entertainment."