Duma audio

Posted: November 21, 2007, 11:49
The audio version of Duma Key will be read by John Slattery. Here is the cover.

Pre-order your copy here.

Duma Key teaser

Posted: November 20, 2007, 23:19
Here is a video teaser from King about Duma Key.

Thanks to Rick Urban

King interview

Posted: November 20, 2007, 15:26
Here is an interview with King made by MTV.

The Long Road Home in March 2008

Posted: November 19, 2007, 23:08
Here is a first promotion item from the upcoming Dark Tower comic. It’s a bookmark and as you can see it indicates that the release of the first issue has been pushed forward from February to March 2008.

Red-carpet premier

Posted: November 16, 2007, 23:51
Here are some photos from the red-carpet premier in New York City of The Mist.

Nightline clip

Posted: November 16, 2007, 23:50
Here you can see clips from King’s appearance on Nightline and once the show has aired I believe you will be able to see the entire segment here.

King on Nightline

Posted: November 15, 2007, 22:04
King will be on Nightline tomorrow:

Friday, November 16th at 11:35pm on ABC

Master storyteller Stephen King gives a rare, in-depth interview to Jake Tapper of ABC's NIGHTLINE about his career, his views on politics today, and about the highly anticipated film adaptation of his novella, THE MIST.

Mist clip

Posted: November 14, 2007, 08:42
Here are some new Mist clips.

From MTV

From Yahoo movies with comments by Frank Darabont.

And here is an interview with Frank and Greg Nicotero from Ain't it Cool.

Thanks to SLL

Grant's Little Sisters of Eluria

Posted: November 14, 2007, 08:41
Things are starting to happen with Grant's edition of The Little Sisters of Eluria and The Gunslinger:

Two years ago, I announced that Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc. will be publishing a book containing THE LITTLE SISTERS OF ELURIA and the revised edition of THE GUNSLINGER (which was published by Viking). Stephen King has chosen to title this combined volume THE LITTLE SISTERS OF ELURIA.

The book is illustrated by Michael Whelan and will contain new art as well as the art originally published in the first edition of THE GUNSLINGER.

We have now received from Michael all the additional art for the book and can start working on design and production.

Price, schedule and other details have not been set and when further information is available it will be posted on our website and published in our newsletter. We expect that this will be announced in the beginning of 2008.

We are not taking orders, reservations or putting people on a waiting list.

Please do not call or email us for further details as we will just refer you to our web site and suggest you remain subscribed to our email newsletter.

Thank you.

Robert K. Wiener, President
Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc.

King signing a diaper

Posted: November 14, 2007, 00:22
Here is a fun clip where King sign a diaper:

Horrormeister Stephen King has chilled the bones and unleashed the screams of millions, but probably never the way he did yesterday in Manhattan -- with a diaper.

The author/phenomenon was signing autographs (non-threateningly) outside his New York hotel, when one slightly deranged mother asked King to sign her baby's diaper. King, saying he'd "changed a few," obliged, which sent the little girl, whose poop-pouch was being taken away, into paroxysms of panic.

No word if the inscription read, "All work and no play make baby a dull girl."

Thanks to Larry Fire

Audio clip from The Mist press conference

Posted: November 13, 2007, 14:26
Here is a link to the audio of The Mist Press Conference in New York from yesterday. No sign of a video clip yet though.

(Be warned that there is one possible very minor spoiler for The Mist discussed very briefly, though nothing that will ruin anything.)

Thanks to Larry Fire

UK cover

Posted: November 13, 2007, 08:43
Yesterday I showed you the US paperback edition of Blaze and today it's time for the UK edition.

Thanks to Peter Hunt

Duma Key contest

Posted: November 12, 2007, 13:08
Have you ever thought you could advertise a new King book better then the publisher? Well, here is your chance.

Hodder & Stoughton is running a Duma Key competition and the prize they're offering is something I've never seen before...

Design Stephen King’s next ad campaign

Hodder & Stoughton, publishers of Stephen King, are offering you a unique opportunity to design the advertising for his new novel Duma Key which will be published in January 2008.

The winning designer will see their work in print on the London Underground and in city centres and have a hand in promoting a fantastic book by an internationally-renowned author.

Drawing inspiration from a synopsis of the book, we want you to design a poster that announces the publication of Duma Key. We will give you everything you need to get started including the book jacket and the rules and guidelines. All you have to do is get thinking…

The winning design will be chosen by Hodder & Stoughton and Stephen King and will be turned into a national poster campaign. The designers of the top ten entries will also receive a limited edition proof copy of the new novel with their own name printed on the front cover.

The competition is open to anyone. Further information on the competition is available at

Closing deadline for entry is 7th December 2007.

Paperback cover for Blaze

Posted: November 12, 2007, 09:19
Here is the cover for the paperback edition of Blaze. It’s released in January and you can pre-order your copy here.

King and Daragont in live event

Posted: November 12, 2007, 08:53
Don't miss this tonight:

November 12, 2007, 2:00 p.m. (EST)

Tune in Monday, 11/12 as we take you behind the scenes at the announcement press conference for Stephen King's new movie 'The Mist.' Paltalk has VIP access, and participating Paltalkers will have the opportunity to chat LIVE with the famous author and director Frank Darabont.

A routine trip to the supermarket turns into a battle against unholy destruction...

Now a major motion picture from Dimension Films, in theatres November 21st, Stephen King's "The Mist" is based on his novella of the same name, originally published in the short story collection, Skeleton Crew.

Hosted by Joanne Colan. Joanne has 7 years experience hosting, writing, co-producing and creating broadcast television, new media and radio for major networks and cable channels across international markets, including MTV and BBC. She can also be seen every day hosting the leading and most popular daily video blog Rocketboom, recently voted Best News Vlog at last years' Vloggies.

Featuring: Author Stephen King and Director Frank Darabont.

The Pop of King: Cool and the Gang

Posted: November 8, 2007, 16:59
King has a new column (Cool and the Gang) out (probably in the November 9 issue) of Entertainment Weekly. Read it here.

Thanks to Paul Poroshin


Posted: November 7, 2007, 13:53
Here is a first look at the UK cover of Duma Key.

My review of Mute

Posted: November 7, 2007, 11:51
Mute is now out and here is my review of it. Please make sure you have read it before you check out my review though since it contains spoilers.

Mrs Todd's Shortcut to air in 2009?

Posted: November 7, 2007, 00:56
I recently spoke to Michael Marshall Smith about his upcoming adaptation of King's Mrs Todd's Shortcut. He told me he¹d just finished the first draft of the script and that it will be part of a TV series tentatively called Night Shapes.

The show probably won't air until some time in 2009.

3rd Mist trailer

Posted: November 6, 2007, 13:42
Here is a third trailer for The Mist.

Thanks to Louis Sytsma

A plea for help

Posted: November 6, 2007, 13:28
While I have never charged anything for all the news on Lilja's Library since I started the site back in 1996, and never will in the future, it’s once again time to ask for your help. As all of you that own a domain know, the ownership costs as well as maintaining and keeping the site up to date. There is also a cost for sending out prizes in contests (most sponsors send out the prizes themselves but far from all).

Read the complete text

From a Buick 8

Posted: November 5, 2007, 09:07
Dread Central reported some good news about the upcoming movie version of From a Buick 8:

The first is From a Buick 8, which you see some early art for on your right. Kasch talked to producer Etchie Stroh of Moonstone Entertainment, who said the script for Buick is in the hands of director Tobe Hooper as we speak, who’s giving it a once-over to tighten it up. It will go to Stephen King, who wrote the novel the film is based on, before cameras roll for final approval.

They’re hoping to have everything ready to go for a shoot date in early 2008 and though no casting’s been done, they will be filming in Pennsylvania which only makes sense, as that’s where the book is set.

King to visit Conan

Posted: November 4, 2007, 19:48
King will be guest at Late Night with Conan O'Brien on November 12.

Thanks to Matteo Zampini

Mist review

Posted: November 4, 2007, 01:05
Here is an early review of The Mist from Latino Review. Read it on your own risk though, is contains spoilers.

Thanks to Lou Sytsma

Ayana is out!

Posted: November 1, 2007, 11:10
Now you can order your copy of The Paris Review from their site. You can also read the beginning of King’s story here or my review of it here

The Stephen King Collector's Guide announced

Posted: November 1, 2007, 10:12
Today a new book by King experts Rocky Wood and Justin Brooks was announced. It’s called The Stephen King Collector's Guide and contains everything known that King has written up till today.

Order your copy here

King reviews Clapton

Posted: October 31, 2007, 23:49
Here is King’s review of Eric Clapton’s book Clapton: The Autobiography.

Thanks to Rocky Wood & Miss X

The Secretary of Dreams vol. 2 announced

Posted: October 31, 2007, 23:42
Cemetery Dance announced volume 2 of The Secretary of Dreams today and it looks even better then the first one. Just look at the illustration to the right…

The stories included in this volume is The Monkey, Strawberry Spring, In the Deathroom (all with spot artwork), Gray Matter, One for the Road and Nona (all in full graphic format).

To pre-order and see more illustrations; head over to Cemetery Dance.

Mist interviews

Posted: October 31, 2007, 23:41
If you head over to the Spacecast’s podcast page you will find (in the October 27th podcaset) some quick interviews with Stephen King, Frank Darabont, and Marica-Gay Hayden about The Mist.

Thanks to Louis Sytsma

King goes Bollywood

Posted: October 26, 2007, 08:18
According to Anurag Kashyap, director of the movie No Smoking, the movie is loosely based on King’s short story Quitter's Inc.. Here is what he said in a chat:

Shanty : hi Anurag, what has been the inspiration for No Smoking?
Anurag Kashyap: Shanty, A short story by Stephen king.

Shanty : Wow...good to know Stephen king is now in Bollywood...I have a great thriller it possible for me to mail it to you?
Anurag Kashyap: Shanty, I have changed everything but base is still remains the same.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Stephen's Picks for the week of October 22nd, 2007

Posted: October 26, 2007, 08:16
Stephen's Picks for the week of October 22nd, 2007 is out:

* Stephen is reading: The Story of Edgar Sawtelle -Meaty family melodrama forthcoming from Ecco Press this fall. It's got that Thousand Acres/Jane Smiley vibe. (By David Wroblewski)

* Stephen is also reading: Twilight -Think Cormac McCarthy crossed with the EC horror comix of the 50s; bloody and brilliant. (By William Gay)

* Stephen is listening to: The wonderful soundtrack from the movie Once.

* Stephen is also listening to: Black Rain, by Ozzy Osbourne

* Stephen enjoyed the movie: Eastern Promises

* Stephen also enjoyed the movie: 3:10 to Yuma

* Stephen also enjoyed the movie: Once

More about Mute

Posted: October 23, 2007, 23:13
I asked Playboy for info about Mute and this is what they sent me:

MUTE: A traveling salesman picks up a hitchhiker and pours out his heart about his wife's infidelity -- with surprising results -- in this short story by Stephen King

They also told me that it will cover 11 pages in the magazine.

Gunslinger Born hardcover

Posted: October 23, 2007, 22:53
Today I got the hardcover edition of Gunslinger Born and while I won’t review it until later I have to tell you that there is an open letter from King. In it he talks about his ideas for upcoming comics and let me tell you, they sound mighty fine!

A third short story this year?

Posted: October 19, 2007, 09:04
In his interview with Leonard Lopate, King says he sold a story to F&SF late this year for $500. No other details available at this time.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Podcast with King

Posted: October 19, 2007, 09:03
Here (scroll down a bit) is a podcast from The Best American Short Stories 2007.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Roth talks Cell

Posted: October 19, 2007, 09:03
Roth talks about Cell with MTV:

MTV: What's the latest on your adaptation of Stephen King's "Cell"?

Roth: The latest with "Cell" is that the script is not finished. I've realized that I can't multitask in the writing department; I can only kind of do one thing at a time. So right now I'm working on [a guest-director episode of] "Heroes," and then I'll work on "Trailer Trash," and then we'll see about "Cell" after that.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Darabont comments on the rating

Posted: October 15, 2007, 07:57
Here are two reviews of the test screening of The Mist. The first one is by Randy of AFTimes and the second by Jacked_up and they are both published over at Ain’t it Cool.

In one of the reviews there where talks about the rating of the movie and to set those questions straight Frank Darabont himself contacted Ain’t it Cool and left this message.

Please note that there are some spoilers in the reviews…

Thanks to Louis Sytsma and Anders Jakobson

Get ready for Pocket Rockets

Posted: October 12, 2007, 19:33
As some of you might have guessed it's now confirmed that King has enough stories for a new collection. This is from the official message board:

It's already on the planning board. There are finally enough new ones to complete a collection. It's titled (at least for now) Pocket Rockets...I don't think I'm at liberty yet to reveal which stories will be included, but will do so as soon as I can.

Ayana in November

Posted: October 11, 2007, 22:14
King's official site reports that the new story Ayana will be in the Fall issue of The Paris Review.

A Very Tight Place

Posted: October 11, 2007, 13:10
King answers 5 questions asked by USAToday and one is this interesting question about something called A Very Tight Place. Here you can read the other 4.

What are you writing? It's called A Very Tight Place. Not a novel but a long story. I've been writing lots of stories lately. I wonder why?

Thanks to Louis Sytsma

Confirmed: Hooper will direct From a Buick 8

Posted: October 11, 2007, 08:44
Shock till you drop has this to report:

It was back in April when we first told you Tobe Hooper was possibly going to direct Stephen King's From a Buick 8 based on a script by Johnathon Schaech and Richard Chizmar.

Variety has confirmed Hooper is ready to roll on the project and that Moonstone Entertainment chairman-CEO Etchie Stroh and Amicus Entertainment prexy Robert Katz are producing. Amicus is behind Stuart Gordon's recent thriller Stuck. Schaech, Chizmar and Mick Garris will co-produce.

Set in Pennsylvania, the story concerns a otherwordly Buick Roadmaster that was obtained by the state police of Troop D. The relic becomes the fascination of a young man whose father, an officer, was killed in a terrible accident.

"From a Buick 8 will not be your stock horror film by any means. There's a really cool, layered quality to the story," Hooper tells the Hollywood trade. "The producers, writers and I shared the same sensibility about the project and responded to it in a similar way."

Duma Key

Posted: October 10, 2007, 15:34
Here is a plot description of Duma Key.

Click for a larger image