Mile 81 outside the US

Posted: August 15, 2011, 13:20
Good news for all non US King fans. UK based Hodder & Stoughton will publish a non US edition of Mile 81. Release date and format is like the US edition; September 1st and as an eBook.


Mile 81 - The exclusive e-book from Stephen King

The spine-chilling new e-book and excerpt from 11.22.63 coming September 1st, 2011

Mile 81 is the chilling new eBook coming September 1st 2011. With the heart of Stand By Me and the genius horror of Christine, Mile 81 is Stephen unleashing his imagination as he drives past the Mile 81 road sign.

Available now for pre-order from all good eBook retailers.

11/22/63 850 pages long

Posted: August 13, 2011, 01:12
Word is that Scribner is sending out ARCs for 11/22/63 now and that it's 850 pages long.

TCM Presents The Horrors of Stephen King

Posted: August 13, 2011, 00:59
Cinematically-speaking, what scared Stephen King?

Turner Classic Movies is going to explore this in a new doc produced by DreamWorks Television and award-winning filmmaker and author Laurent Bouzereau, a man who has been involved in a number of featurettes for King-themed special edition DVD releases like Christine.

In October, TCM will premiere A Night at the Movies: The Horrors of Stephen King, with the master storyteller himself discussing the classic horror films that influenced him the most.

Premiering on Monday, October 3, at 8 p.m. (ET), Stephen King discusses how he discovered terror at the movies. The best-selling author and filmmaker takes viewers on a journey through many aspects of the horror genre, including vampires, zombies, demons and ghosts. He also examines the fundamental reasons behind moviegoers’ incessant craving for being frightened. Along the way, he discusses the movies that have had a real impact on his writing, including Freaks (1932), Cat People (1942), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), Night of the Living Dead (1968), The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974), Jaws (1975), Halloween (1978) and The Changeling (1980), to name a few.

A Night at the Movies: The Horrors of Stephen King will kick off an entire month of classic horror on TCM, with each Monday night’s lineup packed with memorable chillers. The offerings include Universal classics like Frankenstein (1931) and The Wolf Man (1941), Val Lewton thrillers like Cat People (1942) and I Walked with a Zombie (1943), Hammer classics like Horror of Dracula (1958) and cult favorites from William Castle and Roger Corman, to name a few.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Trailer for 11/22/63

Posted: August 13, 2011, 00:53
Here is a trailer Hodder & Stoughton has done for their edition of 11/22/63.

Thanks to Ari Bosi.

Children of the Corn - Genesis trailer

Posted: August 13, 2011, 00:46
Here is the trailer for the upcoming Children of the Corn - Genesis and if the movie is as bad as it looks here I understand why they didn't want to send me a review copy of it...

Thanks to Herbert West

Tickets for the Fall for the Book Festival

Posted: August 13, 2011, 00:41
Tickets for Stephen's appearance/book signing at the Fall for the Book Festival at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA on September 23, 2011, will be available on-line on August 15th. You must have a ticket to attend this event. Tickets can be reserved for free through the Center for the Arts Ticket Office beginning at 9 a.m. EST on Monday, August 15. Limit two tickets per request.

Jonathan Demme to shoot 11/22/63

Posted: August 13, 2011, 00:33
The Oscar-winning director of The Silence of the Lambs Jonathan Demme has picked up the film rights to 11/22/63. Demme will write, direct and produce the film through his Clinica Estetico production company. Ilona Herzberg, who tackled a different kind of JFK story in the Cuban Missile Crisis drama Thirteen Days, is also producing, and King himself will executive produce.

Thanks to Ari, Anders, Hans, Al and everyone else who's emailed me about this.

Haven Week: Day 5

Posted: August 12, 2011, 00:00
Day 5 of Haven Week is here and my last interview with the cast of Haven. This time I spoke to Adam Copeland (also known as WWE Superstar Edge) who guest stars in four episodes in the second season of Haven. This also marks the final 24 hours of the contest where you can win a signed cast photo, don’t miss out on that!

Yates and Kloves take a Stand

Posted: August 11, 2011, 21:58
Word is that Warner Bros. is in the process of finalizing the deals for David Yates and Steve Kloves to re-team for a multi-movie version of Stephen King's epic The Stand. Read more here.

Thanks to Anders Jakobson

Excerpt from Mile 81

Posted: August 11, 2011, 10:50
In the US iTune store you can get a short preview of Mile 81.

Dark Tower Omnibus

Posted: August 11, 2011, 00:35
Here are some photos of the omnibus edition of The Dark Tower comics being released on September 7.

Click for a larger image Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

Thanks to Ari

Haven on twitter

Posted: August 10, 2011, 23:57
In upcoming episodes of Haven twitter will play a big part. Viewers will be able to follow what happens both on the show and on twitter. Read more here.

Ghost Brothers banner

Posted: August 10, 2011, 10:25
Just noticed this cool banner on King's official site.

Click for a larger image

Anika Noni Rose joind Bag of Bones

Posted: August 8, 2011, 22:28
Another actress has been thrown into the macabre mix that will be A&E's four-hour adaptation of the Stephen King novel "Bag of Bones" from director Mick Garris. Read on for the details!

According to Variety Anika Noni Rose (pictured right) has been cast in the upcoming miniseries alongside the previously announced Melissa George, Pierce Brosnan and Annabeth Gish. Rose will play Sara Tidwell, a blues singer who haunts the film's main character. She is a Tony Award winner for her role in "Caroline, or Change," had a guest performance as a politician in the most recent season of CBS' "The Good Wife" and co-starred in the bigscreen version of "Dreamgirls."

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Haven Week: Day 1

Posted: August 8, 2011, 00:03
Its Haven time here at Lilja’s Library. During this week (Aug. 8 – Aug. 12) we’ll celebrate season 2 of Haven which runs on SyFy right now and during this week there will be a contest, five interviews and two reviews for you to enjoy.

The prize you’re fighting for is a Haven cast photo signed by Emily Rose (Audrey Parker), Eric Balfour (Duke Crocker) and Lucas Bryant (Nathan Wuornos). And there is only one of it so make sure you enter.

First out is my interview with Lucas Bryant, enjoy!

A preview of my book

Posted: August 5, 2011, 22:35
If you're thinking about getting a copy of my book but can't decide if it's something for you, head over to were you can check out a preview of it (the Kindle Edition). A very generous preview I might ad.

And if you want a copy of the hardcover they are still available here.

New Non King section

Posted: August 5, 2011, 22:31
Lilja’s Library has always been dedicated to Stephen King. I have written about other stuff as well under the section Almost King (and sometimes I have sneaked it into the regular news as well) but the focus has always been (and will always be) on King. The Almost King consists of reviews of things by people connected to King in some way but things that haven’t been by or about King.

Well, over the years there has been more and more non King things that I’ve found interesting and that I think the general King reader might find interesting as well. So, to get a way to cover those things I have created this NON KING section. Here I will post news about things that isn’t King related and if you want to check it out (which I hope) it will be there and if you don’t you can just ignore it. It won’t interfere with the regular news (it will show up on facebook and twitter though) except for a small link. Oh, and please let me know what you think of this idea. Good? Bad? Don’t care? Let me know. I really want to hear what you think!

You can find the new section here.

Darabont leaves Walking Dead

Posted: August 5, 2011, 16:37
Geek Tyrant had these interesting thoughts about Frank Darabont leaving The Walking Dead:

Did Frank Darabont quit The Walking Dead because of Mad Men's pay raise by AMC? Many people in Hollywood have been speculating that is a big factor for Darabont's departure. The LA Times reports that AMC has pushed to make cuts on both Walking Dead and Breaking Bad, which "came as a surprise to the creative forces behind those popular series."

These budget cuts come only months after Mad Men creator and executive producer Matt Weiner received "a huge new contract to continue the show about swinging 1960s ad men for at least two more seasons. His price tag of close to $10 million a season has those who work on rival shows grumbling that they are being asked to foot the bill for Draper's martinis."

Sony Television, which is behind Breakign Bad, was so annoyed by these cuts that they were considering shopping the show to other cable networks, including FX. This is understandable when AMC's offer for the fifths season included only six or eight episodes instead of the usual 13. Thankfully, a new deal is in the works. AMC had to cut about $250,000 per episode for its second season. Darabont has been replaced, but the network declined to comment on speculation that he forced out in part over a disagreement about the show's new budget.

AMC President Charlie Collier strongly denied these speculations and stated:

"We're investing more than we ever have before. The fact that future seasons of 'Mad Men' were going to be expensive is not a surprise to us." He was also quick to defend the network against complaints about its recent dealings with producers. "We've taken some of the most expensive, riskiest shows around and nurtured them and managed to grow our network."

Collier did not get into specifics, but said "The viewer will see we're making shows that will look like a movie every week."

What do you all think? Will The Walking Dead be the same without Frank? Comment on facebook or twitter.

The Walking Dead special edition

Posted: August 5, 2011, 16:27
Anchor Bay Entertainment will release a special edition of The Walking Dead on October 4. This set will have one extra disc that will have these features on it:

- Pilot Episode: The B&W Version
- Audio Commentaries On All 6 episodes
- We Are The Walking Dead
- Bring Out The Dead: KNB And The Art of Making Zombies
- Digital Decay: The VFX of The Walking Dead
- No More Room in Hell: The Walking Dead Phenomenon
- Adapting The Dead
- Killer Conversations: Frank Darabont & Greg Nicotero

In addition to the Blu-ray special edition, a limited edition collector's tin contains an exclusive wearable zombie mask from NECA designed by the series own make-up artist, Greg Nicotero. The first 100,000 units of the Blu-ray and Limited Edition Collector's Tin together includes an EXCLUSIVE Cryptozoic "The Walking Dead" trading card.

Click for a larger image Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

The Walking Dead Chronicles: The Official Companion Book

Posted: August 5, 2011, 16:19
A book with the title The Walking Dead Chronicles: The Official Companion Book (a must for fans of The Walking Dead as far as I can se) will be published on October 1st:

This one-of-a-kind behind-the-scenes guide focuses on both the making of Season 1 and the creation of the bestselling comic book which inspired it. The Walking Dead Chronicles is lav¬ishly illustrated with never-before-seen photos, storyboards, set designs, makeup and visual effects shots, and page-to-screen comparisons of the comic and TV series. Featuring new interviews with comic creator Robert Kirkman and executive producer Frank Darabont among others, the book also includes a detailed episode guide, excerpts from early drafts and final scripts, and a glimpse into Season 2 and beyond. Available for purchase Sat., Oct. 1, 2011.

Trailer for Dexter season 2

Posted: August 5, 2011, 16:07
Showtime’s block buster series Dexter starts its sixth season on October 2nd. Here is a trailer for the new season.

It has also been revealed that season 2 premiers on October 16.

New Non King section

Posted: August 4, 2011, 23:41
Lilja’s Library has always been dedicated to Stephen King. I have written about other stuff as well under the section Almost King (and sometimes I have sneaked it into the regular news as well) but the focus has always been (and will always be) on King. The Almost King consists of reviews of things by people connected to King in some way but things that haven’t been by or about King.

Well, over the years there has been more and more non King things that I’ve found interesting and that I think the general King reader might find interesting as well. So, to get a way to cover those things I have created this NON KING section. Here I will post news about things that isn’t King related and if you want to check it out (which I hope) it will be there and if you don’t you can just ignore it. It won’t interfere with the regular news (it will show up on facebook and twitter though) except for a small link. Oh, and please let me know what you think of this idea. Good? Bad? Don’t care? Let me know!

Bag of Bones poster

Posted: August 4, 2011, 22:47
Click for a larger imageDon't know if this one will be the official poster but it's on King's official site so I thought I would post it here.

Don't miss out on A Book of Horror

Posted: August 4, 2011, 22:14
PS Publishing main man Pete Crowther tells us that PS still has a few copies left of the deluxe traycased edition of Stephen Jones's A Book of Horrors (with King's The Little Green God of Agony), which PS is publishing in collaboration with CD. But they're not going to stand around for long so, if you're interested, get over to as fast as you can!

Meanwhile, there's no immediate cause for concern on the standard edition of the book signed by Stephen Jones and artist Les Edwards (who's currently working on new artwork for Stephen King's story in the book) but even those are nearing the 75% sold-through point. Sounds like it's going to be quite a volume.

The Little Green God of Agony

Posted: August 2, 2011, 09:59
From Cemetery Dance:

Later today we'll be announcing a special edition of A BOOK OF HORRORS edited by Stephen Jones, which we're co-publishing with PS Publishing in the UK.

Why is this important for Stephen King fans?  Well, this anthology features the World's First publication of a brand new King story called "The Little Green God of Agony" and we're pleased to report this story is good old fashioned gothic horror at its best!

Because we're co-publishing this book, we only have half of the print run to sell, so don't wait to place your order because we don't expect supplies to last long:

Thanks to John Holten

New story: The Dune

Posted: August 2, 2011, 08:15
Granta magazine's Fall/Winter issue, devoted to horror, will include a new Stephen King story titled "The Dune." The issue, available for sale on October 27, will also feature stories by Roberto Bolaño, Joy Williams, and Don DeLillo, among others.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Brosnan in Halifax

Posted: July 31, 2011, 23:16
Pierce Brosnan has been spotted in Halifax where he is to shoot Bag of Bones. This was reported on The Coast:

Former James Bond and Irish-born leading man Pierce Brosnan has been seen in town, most notably at Steve-O-Reno's on Brunswick Street. He's here working on a mini-series called Bag of Bones, adapted from a Stephen King story. Though his licence to kill has been reassigned, Brosnan keeps making good choices with his career, recently appearing as a Tony Blair-esque politician in last year's Roman Polanski picture The Ghost Writer. If you run into him, mentioning his work in that picture might be a good ice-breaker.

Haven trailer

Posted: July 31, 2011, 23:15
Here is a trailer for the next episode of Haven that will star both Jason Priestley and Edge.

Andrew Lincoln talks King

Posted: July 30, 2011, 22:38
Andrew Lincoln talks about King writing for The Walking Dead. Hear more here.

And I can’t resist post this photo. It’s of a truck driving around San Diego during Comic-Con last week and it’s about the coolest thing I have ever seen. AMC is really doing a good jobb promoting the new season of The Walking Dead don't you agree?

The sad thing about The Walking Dead though is that AMC's senior vice president of original programming Joel Stillerman has officially confirm that Darabont is no longer the man in charge of the series and that "The Shield" alum Glen Mazzara would be taking over.

Stillerman praised Darabont's work, saying, "His fingerprints are all over the adaptation of Robert Kirkman's source material." But he couldn't clarify exactly why Darabont is out of the top job - I don't have much to add to the circumstances of it," he said - what (if anything) his role might be going forward, why the timing was so strange (days earlier, Darabont had been an enthusiastic part of the show's panel at Comic-Con), or any of the rest of it.

Hill talks Walking Dead

Posted: July 30, 2011, 22:36
Joe Hill talks about him and King writing an episode of The Walking Dead for season 3 and he says it's about 90% chance that will happen. Hear more here

Haven trailer

Posted: July 26, 2011, 22:36
Here is a trailer for episode #3 of Haven (airs Friday on SyFy) and don't forget to check in on Lilja's Library next week when there will be a Haven week with lots of interesting interviews. More on that later...

American Vampire best new series

Posted: July 26, 2011, 22:32
Last week end, at the San Diego Comic Con, there was the Eisner Awards 2011 in which American Vampire won the "best new series" awards.

Thanks to Herbert West

Melissa George to play Mattie

Posted: July 26, 2011, 22:29
Australian actress Melissa George, whose credits include Grey's Anatomy and Lie to Me, will star opposite Pierce Brosnan in A&E's four-hour mini-series Stephen King's Bag of Bones.

George will play Mattie, the mother of a young child embroiled in a custody battle. Brosnan's widowed character, a novelist, winds up helping Mattie as she fights her father-in-law to keep her child.

Read more here.

Thanks to Hans Wilhelm von Wirth

King on Lord of the Flies

Posted: July 26, 2011, 22:28
Here is an edited version of the introduction to Lord of the Flies, republished to celebrate William Golding’s centenary.

Haven promo

Posted: July 26, 2011, 01:00
Here is a new promo trailer for season 2 of Haven and this is the first time we get a glimps of Jason Priestley and Edge.

The could have been covers #6

Posted: July 25, 2011, 22:00
This is the finished cover and “Lilja’s Library” is once again in read, which is good. And you can also see what it looks like when the great quote from Peter Straub is added.

Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

Let me know what you think of this cover on facebook or twitter

The could have been covers #5

Posted: July 24, 2011, 22:00
Click for a larger imageThis one is the same as the finished one but with the baby blue and I’m glad they didn’t keep the blue on the finished cover. Here you can see that “The Book” has been removed and I must admit that it was a smart way to shorten the title and make it look better on the cover. One thing though that is somewhat of a lost is the fact that we now can’t see the Stephen King bust that is hidden by “Lilja’s”.

Let me know what you think of this cover on facebook or twitter

The could have been covers #4

Posted: July 23, 2011, 22:00
Click for a larger imageThis one I actually like quite a lot. It’s only real problem is that “Lilja’s Library” is in babe blue which I don’t think is the right color. And that the title of the book is way to long.

Let me know what you think of this cover on facebook or twitter

The could have been covers #3

Posted: July 22, 2011, 22:00
Click for a larger imageThis is probably the design that I like the least. The text is good but the way “The book” is put on the cover doesn’t look good at all. Any the font on my name is way too thin.

Let me know what you think of this cover on facebook or twitter

11/22/63 Book Tour dates

Posted: July 22, 2011, 21:16
King has released the dates for the 11/22/63 book tour. This is from King's official site:

Dates & Cities for 11/22/63 Book Tour

The dates and cities have been determined for the book tour to promote 11/22/63. Specific details for each venue are still being negotiated but we should have more information within the next few weeks.

November 7th Boston
November 10 & 11 Dallas
November 12 New Orleans
November 14 Sarasota
December 14 Atlanta