Last chance for contest

Posted: January 5, 2006, 00:20
And don't forget to enter the contest where you can win an ARC of Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished. Last chance is tomorrow.

Lisey in Cell

Posted: January 3, 2006, 00:44
Now it's confirmed that the excerpt from Lisey's Story that is included in Cell is a different one from the earlier excerpt. Good news in other words!

Cell contains the first 12 pages of Lisey's Story in King's own hand. This excerpt is not the same as Lisey and the Madman and has to do with Lisey having to deal with her late husband's literary remains.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Spanish news

Posted: January 3, 2006, 00:41
The Spanish version of The Colorado Kid will hit stores on January 13th and The Dark Tower 7 the 24th of February.

Thanks to Ari.

Happy New 2006

Posted: January 2, 2006, 00:38
Welcome to 2006 and Lilja's Library's 10th year online. Yes, Lilja's Library has been online for 10 year!

During all these 10 years you have all been very supportive. When there have been something you have liked, you have let me know,
when there was something wrong, you let me know that too (both is equally important). When I asked you to donate to the site, you did! In short, you have all been very supportive and because of this Lilja's Library is now one of the biggest sites about King online...and we are growing all the time.

During all of 2006 I will celebrate Lilja's Library's 10 years online. 2006 will be the most exciting year in the history of Lilja's Library, I can tell you that right now. To kick it all of, this years first contest starts today. The prize this time is an ARC of Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished. So, don't waste any time, enter right away!

And again, thanks for all your support during these 10 years. I hope you'll be with me during'll be a year to remember!

No mass-market Secretary of Dreams

Posted: December 29, 2005, 00:00
Earlier today it was reported that there might be a mass-market edition of Secretary of Dreams. This isn't the case as it looks today though.

I checked with Cemetery Dance, and although a mass-market edition has been discussed for the future, nothing is currently in the works and no other editions will be appear until after the hardcover...

Full US cover for Cell

Posted: December 28, 2005, 23:43

Above you can see the full cover of the US edition. It's also reported that the US edition has the first chapter of Lisey's Story in King's own handwriting. I haven't gotten this confirmed yet but it seams that it might be different one then the one released with the title Lisey and the Madman. I'll let you know as soon as I hear more...

UK cover for Cell

Posted: December 28, 2005, 23:42
About the UK cover for Cell;

Well I finally saw a picture of the cover art for the UK edition of "Cell" and I must say - bleh! I’ve picked up the UK editions of some of SK’s more recent works (Bag of Bones, Hearts in Atlantis) primarily because I liked the cover artwork better compared to the US versions. Here though - I think the US covert art wins hands down - the UK cover art is too B-movie for me, especially with the added tag line on the cover: "is your number up?" Just my two cents.

Response from Moderator It’s not the final cover yet as we’ve had more artwork sent for Stephen’s approval.

Letter to the editor of NY Times

Posted: December 28, 2005, 00:00
Here is a letter to the editor of NY Times from King:

From the NY Times
Published: December 25, 2005

Man in Love

To the Editor:

The problem with Francine Prose's review of "D. H. Lawrence: The Life of an Outsider" (Dec. 4) isn't that she came to Lawrence through a book ("Lady Chatterley's Lover") she glommed from her Dad's sock drawer, or that she seems not to have renewed her acquaintance with Lawrence's work since her undergraduate days; the problem is her not uncommon assumption that she may be better able to understand a great writer by reading about him than by reading him.

A critical examination of Lawrence's work makes it possible to understand that by saying explicitly what Thomas Hardy only implied in "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" and "Jude the Obscure" - that marriage is the heart of modern society, and sex is the heart of marriage - Lawrence novels such as "The Rainbow" (published long before "Lady Chatterley") were almost certain to be suppressed. But that is a dry bone indeed, and antithetical to everything for which Lawrence lived. It was feeling he cared for, and the heart at which he aimed, not the loins that attracted Prose's attention as a teenager.

I suspect Lawrence would have clutched his head at the idea of anyone turning to biography as a way of finding "new ways of understanding" his work. Prose might have done better to glance at one of Lawrence's poems - also titled "The Rainbow," and probably not coincidentally. It closes with these radiant lines:

But the one thing that is bow-legged
and can't put its feet together
is the rainbow.

Because one foot is the heart of a man
and the other is the heart of a woman.
And these two, as you know,
never meet.

Save they leap
high -
Oh hearts, leap high!
- they touch in mid-heaven like an acrobat
and make a rainbow.

The writer's rainbow is always found in his work, and students seeking gold would thus do well to start there.

Bangor, Me.

Casting for Crouch End

Posted: December 22, 2005, 13:01
Casting for the Crouch End episode of Nightmares & Dreamscapes is done. The main part will be played by Claire Forlani ("Meet Joe Black") and Eion Bailey ("Fight Club").

Thanks to MG.

Dollar Babies and Book Report

Posted: December 21, 2005, 00:00
Today I have some Dollar Baby news for you which all comes from Stephen King Short Movies.

James Renner's Dollar Baby All That You Love Will Be Carried Away is now available for download.

The Man in the Black Suit is also available for download.

James Cochrane is re-editing his Dollar Baby Here There Be Tygers and it will be finished in may 2006 and available for download.

Also, a new column is out. It's called The Pop of King - Book Report and you can read it here.

New author photo

Posted: December 20, 2005, 15:13
Here is the author photo from Cell.

UK cover for Cell

Posted: December 16, 2005, 00:13
Here is the cover for the UK edition of Cell.

Description of Cell from Cemetery Dance

Posted: December 15, 2005, 00:11
Here is a description of Cell from Cemetery Dance:

Civilization doesn't end with a bang or a whimper. It ends with a call on your cell phone.

What happens on the afternoon of October 1 came to be known as the Pulse, a signal sent though every operating cell phone that turns its user into something...well, something less than human. Savage, murderous, unthinking-and on a wanton rampage. Terrorist act? Cyber prank gone haywire? It really doesn't matter, not to the people who avoided the technological attack. What matters to them is surviving the aftermath. Before long a band of them-"normies" is how they think of themselves-have gathered on the grounds of Gaiten Academy, where the headmaster and one remaining student have something awesome and terrifying to show them on the school's moonlit soccer field. Clearly there can be no escape. The only option is to take them on.

CELL is classic Stephen King, a story of gory horror and white-knuckling suspense that makes the unimaginable entirely plausible and totally fascinating.

The news about Secretary of Dreams is out.

Posted: December 14, 2005, 13:16
OK, the news about The Secretary of Dreams is out and it's one cool book! Check out all the info here.

And when you order, don't forget to mention Lilja's Library in the COMMENTS section of the checkout form. If you do, you'll automatically be entered into a random drawing for a FREE Advanced Readers Copy of The Secretary of Dreams!

Cemetery Dance has reserved FIVE review copies for Lilja's Library visitors, which means five of you will be among the first people in the world to experience The Secretary of Dreams! But this contest will only run for ONE WEEK from today so you'll want to get your order in fast so you don't miss out!

(For those who don't know, review copies are printed in trade paperback form exclusively for reviewers and they ship BEFORE the book is actually published! This is so the reviews can be written before a book's publication date.)

If you forget to mention this website on your order form, you will NOT be entered into the drawing! Unfortunately, due to the number of orders they'll be processing, Cemetery Dance cannot add the contest entry notation to your order after it is placed. You must mention this website in the COMMENTS section when you checkout. Sorry, no exceptions.

(This offer is also being made to a few other groups so if you see it somewhere else, make sure to note the name of that website! Every participating website is getting FIVE review copies for their visitors, which means every site you mention in the COMMENTS section when you place your order will increase your odds of winning! Odds of winning will depend on the number of qualifying entries for each website. Winners will be selected by Cemetery Dance sometime between the end of the contest and when the review copies are printed. Winners will be notified by email. All decisions of Cemetery Dance Publications are final.)

So, don't waste any time, head over to The Secretary of Dreams and place your order NOW!!!.

Dutch cover for Cell

Posted: December 13, 2005, 00:09
Here is the cover for the Dutch edition of Cell. The book is out in March 2006.

Thanks to Stephen King Fanclub Nederland.

Description of Cell from Hodder & Stoughton

Posted: December 9, 2005, 00:08
Here is a new description of Cell. This one is from the UK publisher, Hodder & Stoughton:

'Civilization slipped into its second dark age on an unsurprising track of blood but with a speed that could not have been foreseen by even the most pessimistic futurist. By Halloween, every major city from New York to Moscow stank to the empty heavens and the world as it had been was a memory.' The event became known as The Pulse. The virus was carried by every cell phone operating within the entire world. Within ten hours, most people would be dead or insane.

A young artist Clayton Riddell realises what is happening. And together with Tom McCourt and a teenage girl called Alice, he flees the devastation of explosive, burning Boston, desperate to reach his son before his son switches on his little red mobile phone…

Info about Lisey's Story

Posted: December 8, 2005, 23:41
I got the following info about Lisey's Story just now:

On October 24, 2006 we publish LISEY'S STORY. Possibly King's most ambitious and accomplished book ever, it's a profoundly moving and disturbing novel about a widow coping with the loss of her writer husband. It's a grand, ambitious and layered book, with unrelenting emotional power. It's a book for the ages - exploring the dark secrets of the ones we love, and the very wellsprings of creativity.

Info about Cell

Posted: December 8, 2005, 00:01
I got the following info about Cell just now:

On January 24, 2006 we publish CELL. A guilty pleasure in the tradition of Carrie, Salem's Lot and The Shining, CELL asks what happens when cell phones become transmitters of a signal that drive people instantly mad and violent. King's plot gallops as a few phoneless heroes try to escape the mayhem everywhere and save the world.

Stephen King does not have a cell phone.

King's involvement in The Dark Tower comic

Posted: December 7, 2005, 22:17
Here are some info about King's involvement in The Dark Tower comic:

King is the Executive Editor and Creative Director of Marvel's much-awaited Dark Tower comic book series and graphic fiction collections," said Diamond's press release. "King is directly involved in the creative aspects of this project, supervising all editorial and visual content. Robin Furth, author of Stephen King's 'The Dark Tower: A Concordance,' is outlining the 'Dark Tower' comic book series, providing scene-by-scene plotting, and maintaining the continuity and consistency of each story arc."

While the above implies heavy editorial involvement, many have taken note of the curious absence of King's credit as "writer" or even "scripter," as he is merely mentioned as being involved in editorial capacities. Marvel Comics has made no comment since the press release, but stay tuned to CBR News for more on this developing story.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Info about Nightmares & Dreamscapes

Posted: December 5, 2005, 13:00
Here is some Nightmares & Dreamscapes news for you:

- Jeff Beal (HBO's "Rome" and "Carnivale") will be composing music for ALL eight episodes.

- Rotating cinematographers on all eight are John Stokes ("Journey to the Center of the Earth") -even episodes and Benn Nott ("Salem's Lot") - odd episodes.

- Visual effects (CGI) will be done by Digital Pictures in Australia for all episodes except Battleground which will be done by Star Gate Films in Los Angeles.

Thanks to MG

The Secretary of Dreams, audiobooks and international releases

Posted: December 5, 2005, 00:00
The moderator of King's official message board had the following to say about what The Secretary of Dreams is:

It is a collection of reprints which have been illustrated--a graphic novel, but short stories instead of one. The artist, Glenn Chadbourne, is incredibly talented. He's the artist who did the new designs for WKIT's Stephen King merchandise (see Home page). They've named the character Doug Graves.

Here is a new column by King. This one is called Music to My Ears.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Info about two new audio books appeared today. The first one is
Stationary Bike released by Simon & Schuster Audio and the other
Quitters, Inc. released by Phoenix Audio. Both are set for a 2006 release.

You can pre-order them here:
Stationary Bike
Quitters, Inc.

I also got the following batch of interesting news from King's Polish publisher :

- They released the polish edition of Salem's Lot: Illustrated Edition only two days after the US edition was released.That makes the polish edition, to my knowledge, the second edition of the book released. Good work!

In November they will release Lisey's Story. The Colorado Kid is a bestseller in Poland and they are already releasing the 3rd edition of this book. Storm of the Century will be released in April.

Thanks to Proszynski i S-ka SA.

In other foreign languages the following titles will appear:

- The Colorado Kid - January
- The Dark Tower 7 February
- Cell September
- Lisey's Story 2007

Thanks to Ari.

- Cell March (430 pages)
- The Colorado Kid 20th of December

Thanks to Klaus.

A Very Dead Zone Christmas

Posted: December 3, 2005, 00:00
Don't forget to watch the Christmas special of The Dead Zone tomorrow night. The title of the episode is A Very Dead Zone Christmas and here is a description of it:

Sharing disturbing and contradictory visions of their Santa's life, Alex and Johnny wonder who this strange old man in a track suit and Santa hat really is. As their investigation unfolds, they become involved with three young street kids who are equally lost, and who wind up joining everyone back at Johnny's for the best - albeit strangest - Christmas any of them can remember.

Bad news about The Dark Tower comic

Posted: December 2, 2005, 22:16
Bad news about Marvel's Dark Tower comics. This was published on King's site today:

Marvel Dark Tower Update
Stephen and Marvel have decided to push back the launch of the Dark Tower comic books to 2007. "Given the size of the project and all the creative talent involved, I want to give the Marvel series all the room to breathe it needs and deserves," said Stephen. "I've got so much else going on in 2006 - two novels coming out, CELL and LISEY'S STORY, and the work with John Mellencamp on 'Ghost Brothers of Darkland County.' The Marvel series is going to be a blast, and I want to have the time to enjoy it."

The 1st issue of the yet-to-be-named first arc of the Dark Tower comic series will be shipping in February 2007. The last issue of this six-issue series will be shipping in July 2007. The first hardcover collection will be shipping in October 2007.

Correction about Nightmares & Dreamscapes

Posted: December 2, 2005, 12:59
First I want to make a correction to yesterday's news. The airdates I had put in yesterday's news for Nightmares & Dreamscapes wasn't 100% sure. The series will start airing on or around June 15, 2006 and a new episode will follow each week for a total of 8 weeks. So the air schedule will be something like the one I gave but we have to wait a while longer before that is confirmed. The first episode, Umney’s Last Case, will be shown completely without commercial breaks, How about that?

Thanks to MG.

Official word on Nightmares & Dreamscapes

Posted: December 1, 2005, 12:56
Today a press release was issued from TNT about Nightmares & Dreamscapes. In it they announce six of the eight episodes that will be part of the series. The other two will be announced once they have been casted. You can read the press release here.

I have also learned that the two episodes not listed in the press release are (as I have said before) Autopsy Room Four and Crouch End. Here is the info I have about those:

Crouch End
Writer: Kim LeMasters
Director: Mark Haber

Autopsy Room Four
Writer: April Smith
Director: Rob Bowman

Other info I just got is that The Road Virus Heads North has three more days of shooting, and will be followed by Battleground which begins production on January 16th.

Further more the same source told me that the series will start airing on or around June 15, 2006 and a new episode will follow each week for a total of 8 weeks.

Thanks to MG.

German and Dutch Cell

Posted: December 1, 2005, 00:00
King's German publisher Heyne says they will release Cell in March 2006 for Cell. The German title will be Puls. It will be a Hardcover with 430 pages.

A Dutch translation of Cell will be released in March 2006. The publisher is Luitingh-Sijthoff and the title will be Mobiel.

The Secretary of Dreams

Posted: November 30, 2005, 13:12
OK folks, here is an offer you want to keep in mind:

Sometime in the next couple of weeks, Cemetery Dance Publications ( will be announcing a new Stephen King book called The Secretary of Dreams. Although they can't share more information about the book just yet (please don't email them!), they have prepared a special offer for Lilja's Library visitors to take advantage of when the book is announced! Here are the details:

When The Secretary of Dreams is announced, be sure to order a copy from Cemetery Dance and mention "Lilja's Library" in the COMMENTS section of the checkout form. If you do, you'll automatically be entered into a random drawing for a FREE Advanced Readers Copy of The Secretary of Dreams!

Cemetery Dance has reserved FIVE review copies for Lilja's Library visitors, which means five of you will be among the first people in the world to experience The Secretary of Dreams! But this contest will only run for ONE WEEK after the announcement so you'll want to get your order in fast so you don't miss out!

(For those who don't know, review copies are printed in trade paperback form exclusively for reviewers and they ship BEFORE the book is actually published! This is so the reviews can be written before a book's publication date.)

If you forget to mention this website on your order form, you will NOT be entered into the drawing! Unfortunately, due to the number of orders they'll be processing, Cemetery Dance cannot add the contest entry notation to your order after it is placed. You must mention this website in the COMMENTS section when you checkout. Sorry, no exceptions.

(This offer is also being made to a few other groups so if you see it somewhere else, make sure to note the name of that website! Every participating website is getting FIVE review copies for their visitors, which means every site you mention in the COMMENTS section when you place your order will increase your odds of winning! Odds of winning will depend on the number of qualifying entries for each website. Winners will be selected by Cemetery Dance sometime between the end of the contest and when the review copies are printed. Winners will be notified by email. All decisions of Cemetery Dance Publications are final.)

Good luck, and keep watching for the The Secretary of Dreams announcement in the next few weeks!

Romero movies delayed

Posted: November 29, 2005, 00:00
Apparently both The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon and From A Buick 8 will be delayed. You can read all about it in this interview Romero did with Empire.

Thanks to Rocky Wood

Today I also have two things that I want to chare with you. I found both at the message board on King's official site.

The working title of Lisey's Story was briefly Lisey Landon.

And to the question if King have plans for any new books after Lisey's Story the moderator answered: Yes, he already has one in mind that he plans to begin writing in January.

Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished ARC

Posted: November 24, 2005, 00:00
Here is a cool picture of the ARCs for Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished and here you can see more cool pictures.

Stephen's Picks for the week of November 28, 2005 is out:

* Stephen is reading My Antonia, by Willa Cather (Very good)
* He is also reading The Rainbow, by D.H. Lawrence (Difficult but awesomely romantic)
* Stephen is listening to All Jacked Up by Gretchen Wilson (still)
* He is also listening to Who the Hell is John Eddie (John Eddie)
* He is also listening to Gold (Ryan Adams)
* On DVD Stephen Stephen is watching The Beavis and Butthead DVD Collection (Really cool, heh-heh-heh)
* In theaters, Stephen saw Walk The Line (Great)

US cover for Cell

Posted: November 23, 2005, 23:51
Here is the US cover for Cell.

Thanks to John Hanic.

Cell pushed forward in the UK

Posted: November 23, 2005, 23:50
Hodder & Stoughton tells me the UK edition of Cell has been pushed forward and that the new release date is February 27th. The US edition is still set for release on January 24th.

Fall preview for Desperation?

Posted: November 22, 2005, 23:11
A DVD called ABC Fall Preview Disc DVD (2005) is now given to everyone that gets season 1 of Desperate Housewives at Walmart. On this DVD there are previews for upcoming shows and movies on ABC. And as you may have guessed by now one of the movies is Desperation. So remember this if your thinking of buying season 1 of Desperate Housewives. And if anyone gets this DVD, please let me know.

Nightmares & Dreamscapes to air next summer

Posted: November 22, 2005, 12:54
I have gotten confirmation from TNT that Nightmares & Dreamscapes will air next summer. I also learned today that Fifth Quarter is directed by Rob Bowman (X-files, Electra etc).

Thanks to Christine Moffat.

Rare excerpts and Mist illustrations

Posted: November 21, 2005, 00:00
So, Cemetery Dance's new site is up and on it they are giving us a real treat. There are some very interesting excerpts there. Two is from the upcoming Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished, one from Sword in the Darkness
and one from Wimsey. You can read both here.

There is also an excerpt from Frank Darabont's wonderful book Walpuski's Typewriter. You can read that one here.

Here are two illustrations from The Mist that will be in the book Dark Forces 25th aniversary, published by Lonely Roads.

Thanks to Ari.

Autopsy Room Four to replace Home Delivery

Posted: November 18, 2005, 12:53
OK, so we know that Home Delivery won't be part of Nightmares & Dreamscapes but now I can tell you that it's replacement will be Autopsy Room Four.

Thanks to MG

King visiting the UK?

Posted: November 18, 2005, 00:00
King visiting the UK? Well it's not totally impossible. This is what the moderator of King's board answered on a question about it:

He's done at least two book tours in the UK and is considering another for next year but we have not made any definite plans for it. I am skeptical about a book tour for Cell and think it would be more likely for Lisey's Story, but that's speculation on my part.

Check out my review of the audio edition of The Colorado Kid.

No Home Delivery

Posted: November 17, 2005, 12:52
I got an email from Mick Garris today and he told me that he won't do Home Delivery for Nightmares & Dreamscapes due to scheduling issues. No replacement story has been revealed yet.

Season 5 in June

Posted: November 17, 2005, 00:14
On the official site for The Dead Zone they now say that season 5 will air in June 2006. That probably means that season 4 will be out on DVD sometime before that.

Description of Cell

Posted: November 16, 2005, 23:48
Here is a description of Cell from Scribner:


Civilization doesn't end with a bang or a whimper. It ends with a call on your cell phone.

What happens on the afternoon of October 1 came to be known as the Pulse, a signal sent though every operating cell phone that turns its user into something...well, something less than human. Savage, murderous, unthinking-and on a wanton rampage. Terrorist act? Cyber prank gone haywire? It really doesn't matter, not to the people who avoided the technological attack. What matters to them is surviving the aftermath. Before long a band of them-"normies" is how they think of themselves-have gathered on the grounds of Gaiten Academy, where the headmaster and one remaining student have something awesome and terrifying to show them on the school's moonlit soccer field. Clearly there can be no escape. The only option is to take them on.

CELL is classic Stephen King, a story of gory horror and white-knuckling suspense that makes the unimaginable entirely plausible and totally fascinating.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Talisman 3 in four to five years...

Posted: November 16, 2005, 23:34
I spoke with Peter Straub today and took the opportunity to ask him about the 3rd book about Jack Sawyer. He told me that he and King want to do it and that it might happen in four to five years.

First picture from Nightmares & Dreamscapes

Posted: November 14, 2005, 12:46
Rebecca Gibney joins the cast of Nightmares & Dreamscapes. She plays India in End of the Whole Mess.

And here is the firsts picture from Nightmares & Dreamscapes. It shows Ron Livingston and Rebecca Gibney from the episode End of the Whole Mess.

Complete info for Nightmares & Dreamscapes

Posted: November 13, 2005, 12:41
Here is the correct info about Nightmares & Dreamscapes and this info is confirmed:

Episode 1:
You Know They Have a Hell of a Band
Script: Mike Robe
Director: Mike Robe
* Steven Weber -- Clark Rivingham
* Kim Delaney -- Mary Rivingham
* Bert Labonte -- Otis Reddding

Episode 2:
Umney's Last Case
Director: Rob Bowman
* William H Macy -- Clyde Umney
* Jacqueline McKenzie -- Linda Landry
* Sigrid Thornton -- Mrs. Strnwood
* Louis Corbett -- Danny Landry

Episode 3:
End of the Whole Mess
Script: Larry Cohen
Director: ??
* Ron Livingston
* Henry Thomas
* Rebecca Gibney --- India

Episode 4:
Fifth Quarter
Script: ??
Director: Rob Bowman
* Jeremy Sisto
* Samantha Mathis

Episode 5:
The Road Virus Heads North
Script: ??
Director: ??
* Tom Berenger
* Marsha Mason

Episode 6:
Script: Richard Christian Matheson
Director: Brian Henson
* William Hurt

Episode 7:
Crouch End
Script: Kim Lemasters
Director: ??

Episode 8:
Home Delivery (this one is a maybe though)
Script: Mick Garris
Director: Mick Garris

Thanks to MG

The sixth confirmed episode is...

Posted: November 9, 2005, 12:39
The End of the Whole Mess will be the sixth confirmed episode of Nightmares & Dreamscapes and it is in the process of being cast.

More news about Nightmares & Dreamscapes. reports that one of the segments will be based on Dolan's Cadillac. Gabriel Byrne will play Dolan and Freddie Prinze Jr. Robinson.

They also report that William H. Macy will play Clyde Umney, Jacqueline McKenzie Linda Landry and Sigrid Thornton Mrs. Sternwood in Umney's Last Case. They also report that Sharon Stone will be in it but this has previously been denied by a spokeswoman for Stone so we'll have to see what is correct.

Further they report that Kim Delaney will play Mary Rivingham, Bert Labonte Otis Reddding and Stephen Webber Clark Rivingham in You know they got a hell of a band.

Besides this they meniton that Andy Anderson, Rebecca Gibney, Harold Hopkins, Ron Livingston, Jeremy Sisto, Henry Thomas and Richard Thomas will be starting in the series.

Thanks to MG

Stephen King's Dark Tower Graphic Novel and more

Posted: November 9, 2005, 00:00
_ has listed something called Stephen King's Dark Tower Graphic Novel and my guess is that it's the hardback with all six issues of The Dark Tower comics.

More news about Nightmares & Dreamscapes today. reports that one of the
segments will be based on Dolan's Cadillac. Gabriel Byrne will play Dolan and Freddie Prinze Jr. Robinson.

They also report that William H. Macy will play Clyde Umney, Jacqueline McKenzie Linda Landry and Sigrid Thornton Mrs. Sternwood in Umney's Last Case. They also report that Sharon Stone will be in it but this has previously been denied by a spokeswoman for Stone so we'll have to see what is correct.

Further they report that Kim Delaney will play Mary Rivingham, Bert Labonte Otis Reddding and Stephen Webber Clark Rivingham in You know they got a hell of a band. Besides this they meniton that Andy Anderson, Rebecca Gibney, Harold Hopkins, Ron Livingston, Jeremy Sisto, Henry Thomas and Richard Thomas will be starting in the series.

Here is the latest column from Entertainment Weekly. It's called Lights in a Box.

Thanks to Grzesiek Tupikowski and Paul Poroshin.

Join best-selling author Stephen King for the Second Annual Writers in Paradise Conference to be held January 21-29, 2006, at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. For more information, visit or call 727-864-7994.

Thanks to Miss X.

5th episode revealed

Posted: November 8, 2005, 12:38
More news about Nightmares & Dreamscapes is popping up every day. Here is the latest:

Mike Robe has directed You Know They Have Hell of a Band and Crouch End will be the 5th known episode. It was written by Kim LeMasters.

Thanks to MG