In an interview I have done with Frank Darabont he reveals that Frances Sternhagen (Misery), Alexa Davalos, Sam Witwer, Bill Sadler (The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile), Jeff DeMunn (The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile) and Brian Libby (the prisoner in The Woman in the Room) will join Thomas Jane, Andre Braugher and Laurie Holden in The Mist. The full interview will be online tomorrow.
Here is some indications that The Dark Tower comic will be released in other languages then English. This is from a mail sent out from King's official site:
The foreign translated version deals are being worked through now and when we have more information we will let you know in which languages and territories they will available.
Darkhorizons reports that Andre Braugher and Laurie Holden has joined the cast for The Mist.
Andre Braugher and Laurie Holden will join Thomas Jane in Dimension Films' adaptation of the Stephen King novella "The Mist".
The script, written by Darabont, is set after a strange storm blows through a Maine town and its citizens are attacked by deadly creatures. A group of townfolks barricade themselves in a supermarket and struggle for survival.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Holden will play the female lead and Braugher a high-powered attorney who is a neighbour of Thomas Jane's leading character. Shooting is slated to begin in mid-to-late February in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Bev Vincent had the following to report on his message board today:
There's supposed to be a sneak peek about 1408 on Entertainment Tonight today. I've also heard that the movie will preview at Fangoria's Weekend Of Horrors in Chicago the weekend of Feb 23rd.
Every week comic book fans look forward to Wednesdays, the day new issues go on sale. On Feb. 7, one of those comics will be the first issue of a new seven-part series based on the Stephen King novel “The Dark Tower,” from Marvel Entertainment. To commemorate the event, almost 150 comic book retailers across the country will begin selling the issue at the stroke of midnight. A list of participating stores can be found at Fans who flock to Midtown Comics in Manhattan will see a couple of special guests: Peter David, who writes the dialogue for the series, and Jae Lee, the book’s artist. The store will open for one hour.
Mellencamp talks about The Ghost Brothers of Darkland County:
Mellencamp will also spend time with author Stephen King polishing "The Ghost Brothers of Darkland County," the "play with music" that they've been working on for the past several years. The two got together in November to continue putting it together, and Mellencamp says "that's really another reason why I'm not gonna be on tour this summer, 'cause I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be ... working on this musical," including meeting with potential producers and investors.
"Steve is the sweetest guy you could ever meet; there's nothing weird about him or demonic or anything like that," Mellencamp says. "I remember once we were playing in Green Bay, Wisc., and he came out and played acoustic guitar on a song. I went back to get him, and his hands were shaking. I said, 'You gotta be sh*tting me -- the man who scared the world is scared to walk out in front of 10,000 people?!' He said, 'Yeah, I'm f*cking afraid!' I said, 'Get your ass out there!' He's just the sweetest guy, and he's great to work with."
Ehren Kruger discusses The Talisman: CS: How have things been going on "The Talisman"? Have you actually been working with Stephen King or Peter Straub on that at all? Kruger: I haven't worked with those guys, the authors. I've worked heavily with Steven Spielberg and Katherine Kennedy, who are the producers on the project, so we've had years of creative meetings on it. Now it's moving ahead in a mini-series version, since we're having trouble getting the feature off the ground. So I'm working on that now, and the good news about having six hours to tell the story instead of two is there's a lot more of the book that can now be part of the movie.
CS: Did you have a script for a two-hour movie at one point that you're embellishing with four more hours of story? Kruger: We're using some of the elements of the feature script and then, there's a lot to add and expand. The core structure of the feature was always that of the novel, but there was just no way we could include a lot of what's in the novel, so now we're able to go back and cherry-pick the best sequences and plotlines and subplots of the novel again.
CS: Have you found a director for that and will it be the same director for the whole thing? Kruger: I don't know. Probably will be one director for the whole thing, but we'll have more of a sense of that later in the spring.
As reported earlier King will be at Comic Con in NY this February. The moderator on King's board has now confirmed that he will be there on February 24th and probably at 12 or 1 PM.
The Dark Tower comic is on the front cover of Marvel's "Daily Bugle".
Inside, there's a full page story with some quotes and some basic info on
the series. It's the Wednesday, January 24, 2007 edition and it's $.25 and
available at most comic book stores.
The third and last part of my interview with Stephen King is now available. I call it PART 3 – Ghost Brothers of Darkland County, books in cellphones and limited editions and you can read it here.
The second part of my interview with Stephen King is now available. I call it PART 2 – Duma Key, Jack Sawyer and The Gingerbread Girl and you can
it here.
The first part of my interview with Stephen King is now available. I call it PART 1 - Fan sites, Blaze and The Haven Foundation and you can read
it here.
Part 2 will follow tomorrow and part 3 the day after that.
King has a new story in PS Publishing’s upcoming 10th issue of Postscripts that’s being released in the spring. The title is Graduation Afternoon and you can find more info here.
Here are some info about my interview with King from his official site Interview for Lilja's Library fan site
Lilja at Lilja’s Library will be posting a 3-part interview with Stephen on his site beginning Tuesday, January 16th. Among the many topics in the interview, they will be discussing DUMA KEY and BLAZE as well as plans for the follow up with Peter Straub to BLACK HOUSE.
Update about The Mist from King's site:
We have received news from Frank Darabont's office that Dimension will be producing The Mist along with Darkwood Productions. Shooting is scheduled to begin February 20th in Shreveport, LA. Casting choices will be announced soon.
I just got of the phone with Stephen King after a 45 minute long chat. The interview will be published here on the site as soon as I have typed it out and then probably in several parts since it’s so long. So, keep checking back…
I must admit it was very exiting to pick up the phone and hear "Hello Hans? Steve King...".
This report is from King's official site:
The Haven Foundation will be offering a very limited supply of signed books by Stephen King each month. The January selection is Secret Window. This was published as an exclusive Book-of-the-Month Club anthology of hard-to-find non-fiction pieces, little-known interviews, short stories, and articles, with an Introduction by Peter Straub. It was intended as a companion to Stephen’s book On Writing.
Copies will go on sale at 12 PM on Monday, January 15th and will be on an “as supplies last” basis. They may be purchased at:
Unsigned hardcover copies of other Stephen King titles will also be available for purchase at the original cover price plus shipping. Many of these are now out-of-print in the hardcover edition. New titles will be added as they become available, so check back often for current inventory.
Richard Isanove, the digital painter and colorist on The Gunslinger Born comic has offered to sign a limited amount of all seven issues for fans who visit The Signed Page. The price is $11 + shipping for each issue.
According to this report Frank Darabont will start filming The Mist on February 20, with a tentative Nov 21 release date. Lets hope that the dates are correct this time.
Subterranean Press reports that their edition of The Green Mile (limited and trade) are finished, and that they're just waiting on the slipcases (which they should have in about three weeks). At that point, the shipping marathon will commence.
Here is an interview with Thomas Jane in which he is talking about The Mist and that shooting is planed to start in late February. Thomas plays David Drayton.
King gives ut the first two chapters from Blaze. Blaze excerpt now available
Dear Constant Readers,
I have found a novel by the late Richard Bachman written in 1972/73, that I thought was lost. I found it—or rather, Ms. Mod found it—and I am hoping to publish it in 2007, with royalties going to The Haven Foundation. To whet your appetite, here are the first two chapters.
With only about 50 days left until issue #1 of The Dark Tower comic is to be released Marvel now has an official site for the comic. One of the first news reported on the site is that King himself will attend the New York Comic Con taking place February 23-25, 2007. You can read the press release here.
Ehren Kruger spoke to Fangoria about The Talisman, here is what he said: Ehren Kruger talks TNT’s TALISMAN
Fango recently spoke to screenwriter Ehren Kruger about his script for TNT’s six-hour miniseries based on THE TALISMAN, the 1984 horror/fantasy novel by Stephen King and Peter Straub. Steven Spielberg serves as an executive producer on the project, which is expected to air in 2008, and Kruger (whose credits include the RING films and the upcoming BLOOD & CHOCOLATE) has been involved with a Spielberg-produced film adaptation of THE TALISMAN for several years, though initial drafts envisioned the end result as a theatrical feature. However, like all previous attempts to bring the book to the screen (film versions have been announced since its initial printing), Kruger says that the two-hour version he was involved with “didn’t quite get its act together with actor and budget. But Steven Spielberg and [fellow executive producer] Kathleen Kennedy really wanted to take another crack at the project, so we held some meetings to sit down and take another look at the material.”
The creative team discovered that the best approach for the book’s vast storyscape—which concerns a boy’s epic journey to a parallel world in order to retrieve the title object, which will heal his dying mother—was to expand the production to a miniseries. In doing so, Kruger says that he “was able to put a lot of the scenes from the source material back into the story, and that’s all for the good.” Kruger adds that the project is “still in the scripting phase—we’re not there yet in terms of director or cast.” We’ll be keeping you posted as THE TALISMAN gets closer to rolling.