King on CNN

Posted: September 23, 2010, 21:12
Here you can see the interview with King he did for CNN about eBooks.

Thanks to Ari Bosi and Robert Scott

Don't miss interview with King!

Posted: September 23, 2010, 08:47
The interview Alina Cho recently did with King about ebooks will air on CNN on Thursday, September 23rd at 7:20 AM and 8:24 AM Eastern. This may vary with your local provider.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

King cleans up on Sons of Anarchy

Posted: September 21, 2010, 11:18
Tonight King cleans up on Sons of Anarchy

Yes, that guy who appears out of nowhere on Tuesday night's episode of "Sons of Anarchy" is none other than author and Entertainment Weekly columnist Stephen King.

King wound up in the episode, after he wrote in his EW column that he likes "Sons of Anarchy" because "it's one of those shows that seems to have gotten better as it goes along" and creator and Executive Producer Kurt Sutter got in touch with him.

Sutter thanked King and offered him a part on the show.

"Ordinarily, I'd say no," King told FX in this interview for "But he said he'd put me on a Harley, so here I am."

King, who has been riding his Harley since he was 22, plays a "cleaner" named Bachman in the episode.

You can watch the interview here:

Thanks to Bev Vincent

The Little Sisters of Eluria to be next

Posted: September 21, 2010, 08:45
The Little Sisters of Eluria will be the next story ARC for Marvel.

Click for a larger imageMarvel is pleased to announce the next series in the New York Times best-selling line of Dark Tower adaptations with Dark Tower: The Gunslinger – The Little Sisters Of Eluria! Join renowned scribes Robin Furth and Peter David as they welcome acclaimed artist Luke Ross into the ka-tet of creators entrusted by Stephen King himself to bring the adult adventures of his most personal creation to life! After being terribly wounded from a vicious battle with a band of slow mutants, Roland Deschain is taken in by a group of hideous creatures known as the Little Sisters of Eluria and must battle for his life in Dark Tower: The Gunslinger – The Little Sisters Of Eluria! Now’s your chance to jump onboard the acclaimed Dark Tower series with this new blockbuster series!

Roland’s journey has been long and treacherous and now there is nothing he can do to fend off the Little Sisters and whatever they have in store for him. Will the Gunslinger live to see the light of day? Find out in Dark Tower: The Gunslinger – The Little Sisters Of Eluria #1!

Pencils & Cover by LUKE ROSS
Parental Advisory …$3.99
©2010 Stephen King. All rights reserved

Carrie back on Broadway?

Posted: September 20, 2010, 09:03
CARRIE's On the Way Back to Broadway

PC: Tell me about Michael bringing CARRIE back to Broadway.
LG: Well, Pat, you'll be happy to know that Michael is in the process of bringing CARRIE back to life in a kind of new incarnation.

PC: Oh, I know and I love the improvements. Actually, earlier today, I interviewed Preston Sadleir who was in the workshop. It's fate for you to give me this scoop! I love, love, love the new version. Is it coming back to Broadway?
LG: I believe they are going to try, yes. I believe they are going to do it with Bernie Telsey. They are heading in for, I think, another reading and then I think they are then going to go into production.

PC: They've done amazing work. It's one of the great lost scores.
LG: And I know that they've spent a lot of time rewriting. Dean [Pitchford, the lyricist] has been in a lot over the summer. They've rewritten the entire second act. They've put a lot of work into it!

PC: And it shows!
LG: And they've marked that time out, they expect to be in and stay in New York for the workshops. It's gonna be a go!

PC: No way! CARRIE is coming back to Broadway!
LG: I've got my fingers crossed, I'm sure it's going to be wonderful.

PC: All the Broadway fans cannot wait for this.
LG: They won't have to wait much longer!

Thanks to Bev Vincent

My review of American Vampire

Posted: September 20, 2010, 00:27
Finally my review of the fifth issue of American Vampire is online. You can check it out here.

You can also pre-order (released October 5th) the first five issues in a hardcover edition here.

King is Bachman

Posted: September 20, 2010, 00:10
Kurt Sutter, the creator of Sons of Anarchy said that the character Stephen King plays is named Bachman.

Thanks to Ari.

More casting news for Children of the Corn

Posted: September 18, 2010, 00:36
More casting news for the upcoming Children of the Corn: The Dweller has been released by Dread Central:

Following up on yesterday's news about Hostel honey Barbara Nedeljakova joining the cast of Joel Soisson's Children of the Corn: The Dweller, some more names have been added to the growing list of folks who will be walking behind the rows.

According to our brothers at Movie Hole, Billy Drago (The Untouchables, The Hills Have Eyes), Kelen Coleman (Fired Up!) and Tim Rock (FlashForward) have all signed on for active horror duty! Coleman and Rock play the couple who fall under the thrall of Drago and Nedejakova's characters - and their 'Corn' kid.

Tim and Allie are heading out of LA and into the very warm California desert environs to see Tim's father. The car overheats, and they are forced to stay overnight at the home of a questionable couple and their young child...

Last chance for a signed book

Posted: September 16, 2010, 22:28
Hi everyone. I just wanted to remind you... Today is the last day where you have a chance to get a signed first edition of my new book with your order at Check it out now.

King trailer for Anarchy

Posted: September 16, 2010, 16:08
Here is a trailer for King's episode of Sons of Anarchy and if you look closely you'll see King...

Another Children of the Corn...

Posted: September 15, 2010, 23:01
Some people never give up. According to this news from Bloody Disgusting a new Children of the Corn movie starts shooting this month. reports that the beautiful Barbara Nedeljakova, best known for her role as the sadistic seductress Natalya in Hostel (and briefly Hostel: Part II), will star in Children of the Corn: The Dweller, the latest in the franchise first reported on here. The latest in the perpetual Corn series is written and directed by the talented Joel Soisson (Pulse). Shooting this month, "Dweller" fixes on a family whose car overheats, rendering them stuck in the middle of nowhere. They come across a couple - with a weird kid - who take them in. Nedeljakova has also appeared in the films Doom and Shanghai Knights.

Thanks to Al Mattice

The winners are drawn...

Posted: September 15, 2010, 16:28
OK, the winners in the latest contest (the one where signed bookplates where the prize) has ended and here are the winners:

Twitter winner is: TheNeeko
Facebook winner is: Paul Thomas
Contest winner is: Dustin Whitney
And the one drawn from all entries are: David Humphrey

TheNeeko and Paul Thomas needs to send me their addresses.

Get my book signed

Posted: September 13, 2010, 20:14
Want to get a free Signed First Edition of my new book? Check out this really cool offer that has put together for you guys.

King on the Dark Tower movies

Posted: September 10, 2010, 08:51
King talks about the upcoming Dark Tower movies:

Stephen King exclusive: Who should star in 'The Dark Tower'? 'The Twilight cast, of course!'
by Kristen Baldwin

With news that Stephen King’s enormously popular book series The Dark Tower will be coming to a big and small screen near you, we here at could not stop ourselves from reaching out to the bestselling author (and EW columnist) via email to get a few more answers about the highly-anticipated project. Here’s what he had to say:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: The Dark Tower is such a dense series — did you always think it needed more than a single movie or TV show treatment?

STEPHEN KING: I always thought it would take more than a single movie, but I didn’t see this solution coming — i.e., several movies and TV series. It was Ron [Howard] and Akiva [Goldsman]‘s idea. Once it was raised, I thought at once it was the solution.

What about Ron Howard and NBC makes them a good fit for the franchise?

When working as a director, Ron is very similar to the way I work as a writer. We both tell honest stories that have (I flatter myself) style and substance but not a lot of show-offy frills.

In a perfect world, who would play Roland? Eddie? Susannah? Jake?

The Twilight cast, of course! Just kidding. I haven’t got as far as casting in my thoughts, but when I write about Susannah Dean, I always kind of see Angela Bassett in my mind’s eye. Mostly I just want good people in those parts. Ron Howard will find them, I’m sure.

And who would you want to play?

I’d love to be the voice of Blaine the Mono.

There’s a lot of blood in the series — how much is the TV series going to be censored? It likely would have been easier to join forces with a network without restrictions, à la HBO, no?

I don’t see that as a problem at all! We’ll have just enough latitude to make a great series. I’ve worked in network TV before, and every time I was squeezed a little, it just made me look for creative solutions. Besides, I always like to play in the biggest auditorium available!

Thanks to David Squyres

Dark Tower movie news

Posted: September 9, 2010, 00:28
Today a press release was released about the future of The Dark Tower movies and as it looks now there will be a movie, followed by a TV series, followed by a movie, followed by a TV series, followed by a movie. Check out the full press release here.

Thanks ot Alex Carmona

UK galley for Full Dark, No Stars

Posted: September 7, 2010, 23:14
Today I got a UK galley for Full Dark, No Stars and let me tell all you collectors out there, this one will be hard to come by. My copy if #45 of only 77.

Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

Win an artist’s plates from Lilja's Library!

Posted: September 5, 2010, 22:43
There have been questions about whether it’s possible to get a copy of the artist’s plates for copies of my book that The Overlook is selling even if you have gotten he book elsewhere. Well, ordinarily there wouldn’t but I have managed to get four extra copies that I will give away in a contest. And this time I’m taking advantages of all my outlets. Here is the four ways’ a winner will be drawn:

1) One winner will be drawn from everyone who retwitter this message on Twitter before midnight on Friday.

2) One winner will be drawn from everyone that likes this post in my facebookgroup before midnight on Friday.

3) One winner will be drawn from everyone that enters the contest on my site. This time there isn’t even a hard question you have to answer. You just have to tell me why you should have one of these artist’s plates.

4) For the last winner I will take all the entries from the above and draw one winner.

So, you got four chances of winning one of these artist’s plates. And if you do 1-3 you’ll have three chances to get drawn in the forth.

Good luck to everyone!

King's cameo

Posted: September 2, 2010, 08:25
Entertainment Weekly previews the new season of Sons of Anarchy:

Plus, Stephen King makes a nicely chilling cameo in an upcoming episode that I won't spoil by describing further. Let me just say he's as scary as any SAMCRO biker, and that's scary indeed.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

The Crate by Stephen King

Posted: August 27, 2010, 23:40
Here is the latest from Cemetery Dance:

Next week we'll be sending Shivers VI edited by Richard Chizmar to the printer and it contains a huge surprise: "The Crate" by Stephen King, his long lost NOVELLA written in the late 1970s that hasn't seen print in over 30 years and has never been in one of his collections!

This is classic, old fashioned Stephen King and 99.9% of his fans don't even know this novella exists... but later this year it'll be readily available to ALL readers for the first-time ever in Shivers VI, which will be published as an affordable trade paperback!

Read more about this on their site.

King at the 11th annual New Yorker Festival

Posted: August 25, 2010, 10:10
King will attend the 11th annual New Yorker Festival in October:

The festival, which runs from Oct. 1 through 3, will also feature panel discussions on “Saturday Night Live,” with Seth Meyers and other cast members, and moderated by The New Yorker editor, David Remnick; vampires in popular culture, featuring Stephen King and the “Twilight” screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg and moderated by Joan Acocella; and the rise of the political right, with the FreedomWorks chairman Dick Armey, Representative Anthony Weiner, Democrat of New York, the CNBC host Rick Santelli and The New Yorker’s Jill Lepore, also moderated by Mr. Remnick.

Thanks to Herbert West

Narrators for Full Dark, No Stars announced

Posted: August 20, 2010, 20:36
Simon & Schuster has announced the narrators for the audio edition of Full Dark, No Stars. They are Craig Wasson (who was the narrator of Blockade Billy) and Jessica Hecht.

Recording will begin next week and the CD and download version will be on sale simultaneously with the print edition in November.

Time for yet another Children of the Corn movie?

Posted: August 20, 2010, 08:38
Can it be? Apparently it can. Bloody Disgusting reports that there will be yet another Children of the Corn movie. Personally I can’t see why this movie is being done at all but who knows…it might be good…

What a bizarre news day, eh? Bloody Disgusting just got tipped off that a new Children of the Corn is also in the works. Entitled Children of the Corn: The Dweller, Joel Soisson is set to direct from his own screenplay. Shooting is scheduled to begin this September is Los Angeles. Soisson, who produced the 2001 Children of the Corn: Revelation, directed both Pulse and Prophecy sequels for Dimension Films. He wrote the screenplays for Dracula 2000, and all of the sequels, along with Hollow Man II, Hellraiser: Hellworld and many others. The plot begins on a trip to California, a family's car overheats leaving them stranded in the home of a creepy couple and their kid.

Thanks to Al Mattice

Sheemie is a stand alone issue

Posted: August 20, 2010, 08:35
Looks like the info about Sheemie's tale got a bit mixed up. Grzesiek Tupikowski talked to Robin Furth who told him that it's not new arc but a one shot issue. There will be a total of five of these stand-alone comics.

Thansk to Grzesiek Tupikowski.

German ed. of Full Dark, No Stars

Posted: August 19, 2010, 13:58
The German edition of Full Dark, No Stars will be called Zwischen Nacht und Dunkel (in english that means Between night and dark) and it will be pubished November 15th. Here is the cover.

Thanks to Hans Wilhelm von Wirth

The next one is about Sheemie

Posted: August 18, 2010, 23:04
Looks like the next arc of The Dark Tower will be about Sheemie.

Written by Robin Furth & Peter David Art & Cover by Richard Isanove

This is the story of one of the more powerful breakers in Thunderclap: The mentally handicapped, formerly mute young man known as Sheemie. He possesses the awesome power to shatter the very Beams that hold the Dark Tower in place—the fulcrum of existence itself. But Sheemie does not want to destroy the underpinnings of reality. He is in the prison of Devar-Toi and all he wants is his friends—his ka-tet to come for him. And one of them is coming for him even now. One of them known as the last gunslinger, Roland Deschain. And not all the horrors of Thunderclap will stand in his way! Presented by those twin titans of Marvel's Dark Tower books—writer Robin Furth and artist Richard Isanove. It's a journey of searching and salvation you won't soon forget.

32 PGS./Cardstock Cover/Parental Advisory …$3.99

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Two more reviews of Haven

Posted: August 10, 2010, 01:02
Here are my reviews for episode four and five of Haven and as usual don't forget to check out my script comments.

King in Sons of Anarchy

Posted: August 8, 2010, 01:14
Here is a photo of King in his guest role in the TV series Son of Anarchy. The episode with King will air on September 21st (King's birthday).

Entertainment Weekly reports...

Stephen King Guest-Stars on Sons of Anarchy
Being a fan of FX's Sons of Anarchy can have a huge payoff — especially if you're a literary titan. Knowing that Stephen King loved the biker series, creator and executive producer Kurt Sutter reached out to the horror-meister (and regular EW columnist), giving him carte blanche to write, direct, or act in an episode. King (right) — pictured with stars Kim Coates (left) and Katey Sagal, whose characters he helps in the Sept. 21 episode — obviously chose the guest role. And he had at least one demand. ''He wanted to ride a Harley,'' says Sutter, so they hooked the author up with a big red hog (inset). ''His character's last name is an homage to King's [real-life] alias, Richard Bachman.'' —Lynette Rice

Thanks to willowlove.

Two reviews of Haven

Posted: August 7, 2010, 22:42
Here are my reviews for episode two and three. Reviews for episode four and five will be online soon. Oh and don't forget to check out my script comments.

Facts about Full Dark, No Stars

Posted: August 6, 2010, 00:08
Here are some facts about the US galley of Full Dark, No Stars:

It has 368 numbered pages and they are divided like this:
1922 is on 132 pages
Big Driver is on 114 pages
Fair Extension is on 34 pages
A Good Marriage is on 84 pages
Afterword is on 4 pages

CD announces shipping of Lilja's Library

Posted: August 3, 2010, 23:33

Lilja's Library: The World of Stephen King
a massive book about Stephen King and his works
illustrated by Glenn Chadbourne

Featuring special appearances by Stephen King, Peter Straub, Ridley Pearson, Mick Garris, Marsha DeFilippo, Michael Whelan, Stewart O’Nan, Glenn Chadbourne, Robin Furth, Steven Weber, Mark Stutzman, Frank Darabont, Jae Lee, Tyson Blue, and many others!

For over a decade now, Lilja has been one of the leading voices on the Internet when it comes to covering and reporting on Stephen King's books and movies. His website, Lilja's Library, is the die-hard fan's source for information about new King projects and breaking news, but Lilja has also featured his own in-depth reviews and interviews with many of the mostimportant people in King's world, including Stephen King himself.

Lilja's Library: The World of Stephen King is a brand new massive collection of over 150 of those reviews, over 40 of those interviews, and other special features of interest to King readers everywhere. If you've never been to the website, you're in for a real treat as you catch-up with over 500 pages of articles and features that are sure to please any kind of Stephen King fan, from the general reader to the die-hard collector. And for Lilja's constant readers, there's original material in this special volume that has never appeared anywhere on his website before, and every article and review has been updated and revised for this release.

You have to see the table of contents to understand just how much great material is in this massive book, but just a few of the interviews include: Stephen King (twice!), Frank Darabont, Marsha DeFilippo, Mick Garris, Peter Straub, and many other people who have been involved in King's prolific career. The reviews include detailed commentary on well-known works by and about Stephen King, along with details about the rare works you might not have heard of, including the original scripts for Hearts in Atlantis, Stud City, and dozens of others; the original pilot for The Dead Zone that never aired on TV; Walking The Mile: The Making Of (a book that has never been released); the Pet Sematary and Secret Window, Secret Garden UK dramatizations; the dozens of Dollar Babies, and more!

There are also dozens of brand new features written exclusively for this volume, including interviews with Lilja himself and Glenn Chadbourne; reviews of short films such as "Here There Be Tygers," "Boogeyman," "Walking Ghost," "The Secret Transit Codes of America's Highways," "Night Surf," "Stephen King's Gotham Café," "Sorry, Right Number," "Night of the Living Dead," and others; reviews of the script for "The Mist" and scripts that are currently in development (including Black House and From a Buick 8); reviews of books such as Stephen King: A Primary Bibliography, Stephen King: The Non-Fiction, and others; and much, much more!

If you're new to the world of Lilja's Library or already a constant reader, this special volume is a must-have for your collection! An exclusive Cemetery Dance Publications release, there are no other editions planned anywhere in the world for this incredible book.

Click here to view the MASSIVE table of contents, read all of the praise for Lilja's work, or to place your order!

New look and release day for Lilja's Library

Posted: August 3, 2010, 23:03
Today is the day my book is released and to celebrate that the site has gotten a new look. The new look is more in the line of the cover of the book and I hope that you will all like both the new look and the book itself. Feel free to comment on both on facebook, twitter or in the guestbook.

Thanks to Anders for the new design.

Glenn Chadbourne is doing limited t-shirts

Posted: July 29, 2010, 15:35
Cemetery Dance announced that they are teaming up with Glenn Chadbourne (the illustrator of Lilja's Library - The World of Stephen King) to produce a brand new t-shirt featuring his classic Pennywise drawing!

Here is what Cemetery Dance said about it:

These high-quality Hanes t-shirts have double-needle stitching and will be charcoal colored with Glenn's Pennywise artwork on the back. We think our fellow Stephen King and Glenn Chadbourne fans are going to love them!

But we're only going to accept preorders for a limited time because the custom printing will be done by a local shop. Once we close the preorder window, we will place our order with the shop for exactly however many shirts we need in each size. No more orders will ever be taken and these shirts will never be offered again!
These awesome Limited Edition t-shirts are available for a limited time only in the following sizes for just $17.99 each plus shipping: Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large. (You can upgrade to 2XL, 3XL, or 3XL for just $3 more!)

This Limited Edition t-shirt would be an excellent addition to your Stephen King collection and an incredible way to show off Chadbourne's incredible artwork around your hometown! (Be sure to let us know what your friends, family, and coworkers think!)
But don't wait to place your order because once the preorder window closes, we will never sell this shirt design again!

Order your copy here.

New release date for my book; August 3rd

Posted: July 29, 2010, 14:20
Great news for anyone who’s waiting for my book. I just found out that it’s been moved up a week to August 3, 2010! That means it’ll be released in just 5 days!

Two books in the mail

Posted: July 29, 2010, 14:16
These two books arrived in the mail today. I love my mailman :-)

Test copy of Lilja's Library passed with flying colors

Posted: July 27, 2010, 14:04
This arrived in the mail today! It’s the first copy of my book to leave the printer, a so called “Test copy” that the printer does first so that it can be checked for errors before the rest of the copies get printed. I’m very happy to tell you that this copy passed the test with flying colors!

Click for a larger image Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

Some thoughts on the Haven scrips...

Posted: July 26, 2010, 22:38
The good folks Haven have agreed to send me the scripts of each episode so that I can include some commentaries about it in my review of the episode. You probably don’t think there are too many differences between that and the episode, right. Well, there are! I have added script comments to my first review and you can check it out here.

Under the Dome paperback

Posted: July 21, 2010, 18:58
The US paperback edition of Under the Dome arrived today and even if the cover isn't as nice as the one used for the hardback it's really nice. The book has 1074 pages.

Under the Dome, contest and the fifth cover

Posted: July 19, 2010, 13:23
Here are more info about Hodder & Stoughton’s contest and the limited paperback ed. of Under the Dome:

The copy with the fifth cover was printed in a limited print run and will not be resupplied. who are selling the fifth cover are also offering the opportunity to purchase all 5 covers in one shrink wrap set. This comes with 5 postcards (based on the 5 covers) in an envelope. There are only 100 of these sets, so they are also considered a limited edition.

In terms of the competition, this is to win a signed, leather bound hardback edition of Under the Dome. This is a complete one off, and will not be reproduced for any other customer / retailer in the future. In other words, there is one (1) copy of this book!

The contest is open to anyone, anywhere (except Hodder & Stoughton employees and their families) so enter now!

You can enter the contest here.

Win Under the Dome

Posted: July 19, 2010, 00:32
Here is a contest where you can win a copy of Under the Dome.

Thanks to Herbert West