Dead Zone season 4 is coming and Dollar Baby Film Festival play list

Posted: September 13, 2004, 00:00
A fourth season of The Dead Zone has now been announced. 22 new episodes has been ordered. The series is set to resume production this November but no date has been mentioned for when the season starts to air.

Here is the play list for the 1st Annual Dollar Baby Film Festival held on September 25 in Maine:
* The Woman in the Room
* The Lawnmower Man
* Strawberry Spring
* The Road Virus Heads North
* Paranoid
* Last Rung on the Ladder
* Lucky Quarter
* All That You Love Will Be Carried Away (World Premiere)
* Q&A with directors.

Lisey and the Madman scan

Posted: September 12, 2004, 23:15
Here is a scan of McSweeney’s Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories with King's Lisey and the Madman in it.

Miscellaneous news

Posted: September 12, 2004, 00:00
Cemetery Dance's book Stephen King - Unpublished and Uncollected is set for a December release.

According to my friend Justin who talked to Ed McBain about the anthology that will contain King's novella The Things They Left Behind the book will have the title Crimes and it will be released (by Tor) in the spring of 2005.

Thanks to Justin.

King has a new column out in Entertainment Weekly's September 10 issue, the title is Paint it Black.

Thanks to Rocky Wood.

Lisey and the Madman

Posted: September 9, 2004, 23:13
King's official site reports that a new work of fiction by Stephen titled Lisey and the Madman will be included in McSweeney’s Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories, an anthology edited by Michael Chabon and published by Vintage. The anticipated publication date is November 2004.

Stephen King - Unpublished and Uncollected

Posted: September 3, 2004, 00:00
Cemetery Dance will release the book, Stephen King - Unpublished and Uncollected by Rocky Wood with David Rawsthorne and Norma Blackburn. The book will include coverage of 51 unpublished and 46 uncollected works of fiction but that isn't all. The book will also include TWO pieces by King himself.

The first work is the first and only publication of an entire Chapter from King's unpublished 1970 novel Sword in the Darkness. This Chapter features a stand-alone based horror story set in pre-War Gates Mills, Maine. Rocky Wood describe the Chapter as "one of the early King classics". The second work is the first book and mass market publication of King's very obscure poem Dino. This was originally published in Syracuse University (New York) literary magazine, 'The Salt Hill Journal' in 1994 and was only recently rediscovered.

All this is, as I mentioned, of course in addition to the massive research that has gone into Chapters covering 51 unpublished and 46 uncollected works of fiction. These 97 Works include novels, shorter works of fiction, 24 screenplays and 9 poems.

They also release information about a Work previously unknown by the King community, Molly. Molly was King's original screenplay submitted for The X-Files but is a completely different story from that later produced for the series as Chinga.

The price is $75 for the Limited Edition (2,000 signed and numbered copies) and for the $500 Lettered Edition (52 signed and lettered copies). You can read more here.

- - -

With only 18 days left until the release of The Dark Tower 7 Ain't it cool News, Kirkus Reviews and Publisher's Weekly has reviews of it online. People tells me that there are spoilers though so read it at your own risk.

Desperation delayed

Posted: August 25, 2004, 00:00

Mick Garris tells me that Desperation has been a bit delayed and will probalby begin filming at the end of October instead of September at reported earlier.

Tyler Hall, author of the book Towerpent, and Lilja's Library can now offer everyone that want to buy the book a 10% discount. All you have to do is pay $17.99 instead of $19.99. At the moment this offer is only open to residents in the US. Later on it will also aply to international orders.

King will be interviewed in Fangoria #238

Posted: August 24, 2004, 00:00
King likes Riding the Bullet so much that he is letting Garris use his name in the title. It'll now be known as Stephen King's Riding the Bullet.

King will be interviewed in Fangoria #238, due October 21.

Bev Vincent told me today that his book The Road to the Dark Tower has a new publication date. The new date is September 28.

Andy Cumbria is making a Dollar Baby based on King's New Yorker story Harvey's Dream. Andy told me that the film will be shot October 1, 2 and 3 of this year. Ray Wise and Grace Zabriskie are playing Harvey and Janet Stevens, respectively. The movie will be around 10 minutes long.

Thanks to James Flower.

The Pop of King: The Four-Star Follies

Posted: August 21, 2004, 00:00

Here is the poster for the upcoming Dollar Baby festival. Looks really nice if you ask me...

A new column by King is out in Entertainment Weekly. This one is called The Pop of King: The Four-Star Follies.

Thanks to Paul Poroshin.

Lilja's Library on King's official site

Posted: August 17, 2004, 00:00

Today I'm extremely happy to let you know that a link to Lilja's Library has been put in the link section of King's official site (see image above). Not bad is it?

OK, with that out of my system, on to King news...

Now you can hear a clip from the upcoming CD Building Bridges. You can pre order it here.

The paperback edition of Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the 2004 Season is set to be released in May 2005. You can pre order it here or if you want the hardback (December 2004) you can pre order that one here.

More images from I know what you Need has been released.

Illustrations from The Dark Tower 6

Posted: August 12, 2004, 00:00
You can now buy some of the illustrations from The Dark Tower 6 from Darrel Anderson's site. You can also get a signed (by Michael Whelan) copy of The Dark Tower 7.

Kingdom Hospital is now out on DVD in the UK, pre order here.

Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the 2004 Season by King and O'Nan will not be released in the UK.

King has finished the first draft of a new book

Posted: August 9, 2004, 00:00
It seems that King has finished the first draft of a new book. Betts Bookstore reported about that and more in their last newsletter that is posted on Here is a short quote from it:

First, Steve was able to ride his Harley this week for the first time since his accident six years ago. While he still feels the effects of the accident, this should be a great step forward mentally for him.

He has written another novel that sounds pretty interesting, but at this time it is only in the first draft and he has no publishing plans for it right now. I am willing to bet that we might see it in a year or two. It is based on something that happened to him late last fall at the house here in Bangor! No title that we can divulge.

There will be a nice interview published in "The Guardian" out of London September 15th. (I think the date is correct) Also, USA Today is doing one in conjunction with the ending of The Dark Tower series.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

It also seems that there will be some new short stories in the near future. Here is a quote from King's message board moderator:

He has written a couple of short stories recently but I don't have the details about where they have been placed or when they will be published. I will try to do so in the next week and get that information posted in the News section.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Faithful and Tower covers

Posted: August 8, 2004, 00:00

Here is the cover for the upcoming book Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the 2004 Season. There is also some info about the book available.

The Dark Tower V will be released in trade paperback in January 2005 and The Dark Tower VI will be released in April 2005. Here are the new covers.

Desperation shooting in Arizona

Posted: August 3, 2004, 23:43
Mick Garris told me that Desperation should start shooting in Arizona in mid-to-late September. No casting yet though.

DVD's, Tower/HBO rumor and more

Posted: August 2, 2004, 00:00

The UK DVD version of Kingdom Hospital is now out. You can pre-order it here.

There has also been some info released about the US DVD of Kingdom Hospital.

This is from the message board:

Question: I heard on the radio in their entertainment that Mr.King and HBO are in talks to move K.H to HBO, any truth to that?

Response from Moderator: Not that I'm aware of. There is another project being discussed, though, and as soon as I get the green light, I'll post information about that.

I have no idea what the project might be but there has been some rumors that HBO is interested in The Dark Tower...

Thanks to Bob I.

According to the moderator at King's message board The July 30th edition of EW has an article rather than the column in the back. The title is Now Hear This.

Thanks to Bev Vincent and Paul.

What is probably the first review for Riding the Bullet has now appeared online and the pin you see to the right is actually from the movie. They are used in the film as props. Riders are given the buttons coming off the coaster.

Granada Ventures (a division of ITV plc) have announced a 3 disk 10th Anniversary edition of The Shawshank Redemption for release 20th September. It seems the UK is getting a 3-disc special edition while the US will only get a 2-disc special edition. Extras are:

Disc 1
Commentary by Frank Darabont
Audio Description track
English HOH Subtitles
Theatrical trailer
Memorable Quotes

Disc 2
Hope Springs Eternal - A Look Back at Shawshank Redemption
Shawshank The Redeeming Feature
The Charlie Rose Show with Frank Darabont, Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman (2004 US broadcast)
The Sharktank Redemption
Shawshank Stills Gallery: Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Supporting Cast, Tim and Morgan
Behind the Scenes
Shawshank Storyboards

Disc 3
Tim Robbins complete interview (Andy Dufresne, Inmate 37927)
Morgan Freeman interview (Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding)
Bob Gunton interview (Warden Samuel Norton)
William Sadler interview (Heyward, Inmate 32365)
Clancy Brown interview (Capt. Byron Hadley)

Thanks to Terry Warrick.

Bullet image and Tower 7 excerpt

Posted: August 1, 2004, 00:00
Here are the first pictures from Riding the Bullet (more is found if you follow the link). A report on the panel discussion about the movie is also available online now.

The excerpt from The Dark Tower 7 is now online on King's site. And speaking of The Dark Tower 7 I have decided that I won't post any more info and/or pictures directly on the front page on Lilja's Library, they will all be behind a link. So now you know you can come here without risking to get the book spoiled.

The Road Virus Heads North image

Posted: July 30, 2004, 00:00
The moderator of the message board on King's official site confirms that they will put an excerpt from The Dark Tower 7 online within the next week.

Thanks to jcausey and Brian Hilton.

Hodder & Stoughton has sent out their ARC's for The Dark Tower 7 and this time they have only done 100 copies of it. So, if you see one, hold on to it!

To the right is an image from the Dollar Baby The Road Virus Heads North called Richard's End.

The Dark Tower illustration and The Gunslinger CD

Posted: July 27, 2004, 00:00
Today I got confirmation from no other then Michael Whelan that the image on the envelope that contains The Dark Tower 7 flyer is from the book. Whelan didn't just confirm that the illustration was from the book, he actually sent me the entire illustration to put on my site. The one on the envelope is just part of it.


Here is a report about Riding the Bullet from the Comic-Con in San Diego.

Turtle Bay Entertainment announced today that Joel Sadilek will be the new director of Gotham Cafe. Production on the film will begin in September in Los Angeles.

There are now some photos from I know what you Need online. You can also read more about it on the official site. There is also a teaser trailer online now.

There are also a CD being done with music based on King's The Gunslinger. You can read more about it on the official site. You can also listen to some tunes there.

The Dark Tower VII flyer

Posted: July 26, 2004, 00:00

Here is the flyer from Donald M. Grant announcing The Dark Tower VII. The image to the left is from the envelope that contained the flyer.

Since it was only on the envelope it's not confirmed that it's from the book but it's likely that it is. I'll let you know once I have it confirmed or not.

King have recorded an interview

Posted: July 25, 2004, 00:00
King have recorded an one hour long interview that will air on August 2 on all five channels of Maine PBS (seems you'll only be able to see it if you live in Maine though). Here is the info about it:

Author Stephen King can be seen giving a rare television interview in his home state on the Maine PBS program "A Good Read" on Aug. 2.

The hourlong interview, conducted by host Sandy Phippen, will air at 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. It will be re-broadcast several times: 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. Aug. 6; 10 p.m. Aug. 9; 8:30 p.m. Aug. 13; 7:30 p.m. Aug. 14; and 10 a.m. Aug. 15.

The interview has already been conducted and filmed. To see a video clip from the interview, go online at

King, who lives in Bangor, talked in the interview about his decision to leave fantasy and horror behind for other kinds of writing. He said that he's working on a musical project with John Mellencamp, in which he will write the script and Mellencamp the music.

"I've done all the major monsters that I ever really wanted to deal with," King told Phippen. "I've said a lot of what I have to say (and) I see myself going back repeating theme formats and places I've been before."

King also reveals character developments in his ongoing "Dark Tower" series and speaks of struggles he's had writing a book on writing.

The King interview will be aired on all five channels of Maine PBS: WMEA (Channel 26) in Biddeford; WCBB (Channel 10) in Augusta/Portland; WMEB (Channel 12) in Orono; WMED (Channel 13) in Calais; and WMEM (Channel 10) in Presque Isle.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Here is the cover for the galley of The Dark Tower 7.

More DVD info

Posted: July 24, 2004, 00:00
More DVD info was just sent to me.

Children of the Corn will feature an audio commentary track (with director Fritz Kiersch, producer Terrence Kirby and actors John Franklin and Courtney Gains), the all-new "Harvesting Horror" documentary, storyboard and title sequence art galleries, a poster and still gallery, the theatrical trailer and the original screenplay via DVD-ROM.

Creepshow 2 will also include an audio commentary (with director Michael Gornick, moderated by DVD producer Perry Martin), the all-new "Nightmares in Foam Rubber" documentary, storyboard and still galleries, theatrical trailers and the original screenplay via DVD-ROM.

Both discs feature anamorphic widescreen transfers (down-converted from new high definition masters) along with new Dolby Digital 5.1 remixes. Due on September 28th, SRP is $19.98 a piece.

Thanks again to DVD Guru Terry Warrick.

This is from a recent interview with George A Romero:

Quote:UC: Other than The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, any more possibilities for some King/Romero collaborations?

GR: I'd love it. If we get this one off the ground, we'll take them one at a time, but he's got a couple of things I'd love to work on. There's a TV series being contemplated now based on Nightmares and Dreamscapes. I've sort of been asked if I want to contribute to that.

Read the whole interview here.

Thanks to RJ_Sevin

Premiere photos and The Dark Tower 7 restrictions

Posted: July 23, 2004, 00:00
Galley's of The Dark Tower 7 is now being sent out. With them there are a letter asking people not to spoil the ending of it. Here is what it says:


We hope you understand that, because we are giving you advance time to read and plan reviews to land in conjunction with the September 21 publication date, we are trusting you with a great secret.

PLEASE respect the Dark Tower fans that have been waiting for over thirty years to read the conclusion of Roland's quest, and do not give away the contents of this book, or pass on this galley for resale, before that date.

Thank you for your consideration.

Some pictures of King from the Los Angeles Premiere of The Manchurian Candidate has now appeared online. See more here and here.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Burning Bridges cover and Dollar Baby news

Posted: July 22, 2004, 00:00
Here is the cover to Building Bridges: Stephen King live at the National book awards. The audio is being released in August.

Here is some additional info about the Dollar Baby I've got to get away. Kamran Syed is directing it will shoot it on 35mm film. The plan is to have it finished by Christmas 2004. No casting has been done yet.

The 1st Annual "Dollar Baby" Film Festival will be held on September 25th in Bangor >Maine. They will show 2hrs worth of rarely-seen films based on King short stories. This festival is open to the public and a Q&A with directors will follow the screening. All profits will go to the Wavedancer Foundation.

If any Dollar Baby directors read this; please submit your short ASAP to: James Renner, 2200 High St. (Apt. 150), Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221 (DVD/VHS formats only). More info to come soon.

George Romero talks The Girl who loved Tom Gordon.

Posted: July 20, 2004, 23:25
Capone: In the meantime, not counting LAND OF THE DEAD, you've got a couple other projects that are fairly far along in preproduction. Until recently, DIAMOND DEAD looked like it was going to be your next film. And where does THE GIRL WHO LOVED TOM GORDON [based on the Stephen King novel] stand?

Romero: That is still very much alive. Both of them are very much alive. In fact with DIAMOND DEAD, they basically have the money to do it. The only question is, can they wait for me? We're going through that right now, or do they need to use somebody else? I think everyone involved would like to have me do it because of the "Dead" issue. As for TOM GORDON, that's an adaptation I did of Steve's novel. Steve loves it, I love it, we really want to do it, but it's not an obvious thing for either one of us. But that looks very good for us too.

Capone: At least critically, it seems to be King's non-horror stories that adapt the best into films: SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, STAND BY ME, GREEN MILE.

Romero: But not necessarily at the box office.

Capone: True. Have you even gotten as far as considering casting of the little girl in TOM GORDON. Dakota Fanning would seem the obvious choice.

Romero: We had her lined up, but that blew up after she was in MAN ON FIRE. She signed with a new manager who basically told us bye-bye. They're looking for an Oscar role for her. So that blew up. But there are still some wonderful child actors out there. That younger girl from IN AMERICA would be sensational. Be that as it may, I have real high hopes for both of those projects.

Thanks to Anders and David Sjödin.

King will do a booksigning

Posted: July 20, 2004, 00:00
To the right is an image of a bobble head that is supposed to be King. Personally I don't think it looks anything like him. Anyway, only 1500 copies of this bobble head will be done and they will be given away to the first 1500 baseball fans who enter the stadium at the Lowell Spinners minor league baseball game in Lowell Massachusetts on Friday August 13, 2004.

King will do a booksigning on Monday, Sept. 20, 2004 from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. at Just Books Too in Greenwich, CT. (located at 28 Arcadia Rd.) to promote The Dark Tower 7: The Dark Tower as part of their "Meet The Author" series.

The Just Books website states: "He will sign 200 copies of this book for the public and will only be appearing at two book signings in the New York metropolitan area."

Here are some details about the signing:

-You will have to be present to guarantee a book.
-They expect people to be limited to 1 book, bought at the store that day.
-The only book being signed is the final Dark Tower book.
-They will give tickets to people the morning of the event and the staff will be at the store early. They expect that people will be back in their place in line 15 minutes before the signing starts or forfeit their place in line.
-Once the signing starts, a ticket will not keep your place in line.

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan.

You can now order The Dark Tower 7 from Grant. The final page count is 864.

Kingdom Hospital has been nominated for two Emmys. One for outstanding main title design and one for outstanding special visual effects for a series.

Columbia has released some early details on a special DVD edition of Christine, which stars Keith Gordon, John Stockwell, Harry Dean Stanton and Christine Belford. The disc will be available to own from the 28th September this year, and should retail at $19.94. As well as a 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen transfer and both English and French Dolby Surround tracks, the disc will include an audio commentary with director John Carpenter and actor Keith Gordon, twenty deleted and alternate scenes, a total of three exclusive new featurettes, filmographies and previews for other Columbia releases.

Thanks again to DVD Guru Terry Warrick.

Towerpent: A Fan's Guide to Stephen King's The Dark Tower

Posted: July 18, 2004, 00:00

Tyler Hall over at has written a book about The Dark Tower. The book's title is Towerpent: A Fan's Guide to Stephen King's The Dark Tower and it explores the anticipation and theories that Tower fans have been discussing while waiting over the last five or six years. The book is in two parts. One part is a reference guide. The second part is all about what it's like to be a Tower Junkie. Read more here.

Salem's Lot DVD and I know what you Need still

Posted: July 16, 2004, 00:00
Scribner has posted a description of The Dark Tower VII on their site. If you want to read it you can do so by following this link (you will need to click on one more link so don't be afraid to enter the Dark Tower VII - section).

The remake of Salem's Lot will be out on DVD 12th October 2004. Each of the episodes will be presented in 1.77:1 anamorphic widescreen along with English Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround tracks. There have not been any details on extra material released at the moment though.

Here is a still from the teaser trailer of I know what you Need. The sound on the trailer is being finished up now and I hope that it will soon be online. The picture is of Kevin Real who plays Edward Jackson Hamner, Jr. in both the original shoot and will reprise the role in the new one as well.

King working on a new novel

Posted: July 14, 2004, 00:00
Since it's a bit slow with King news I have gathered some items that I think you may want to pre order so you have them in your hands as soon as possible. They are:

Kingdom Hospital UK DVD (August 2, 2004)
Building Bridges (August 1, 2004)
Faithful (December 1, 2004)
The Dark Tower: A Concordance, Volume II (November 1, 2004)

I also got this encouraging info from King's official message board:

The question was whether or not The Dark Tower VII would be King's last book and the reply from the moderator was:

He is working on a new novel but it isn't currently scheduled for publication.

I know this isn't really news but it's really nice to hear that King is working on a new novel, right? Also, the paperback of Song of Susannah will be out on September 1, 2005.

Kingdom Hospital, Creepshow and audio review

Posted: July 7, 2004, 00:00

Here are two better scans of the Kingdom Hospital DVD box (region 2 edition).

Gabriel Grunfeld is working on a feature adaptation of the Stephen King short stories that were adapted for the 1982 horror anthology pic Creepshow with Barney Cohen. Project is intended as a TV series,
as well, down the line.

You can now check out my review of the audio edition of Song of Susannah.

Pop of King: A Kingdom that didn't Come

Posted: July 3, 2004, 00:00
There is a new Pop of King Column in Entertainment Weekly this week. It's in the July 9 issue (#773) with Michael Moore on the cover. As the title, A Kingdom that didn't Come, suggests, King explains why Kingdom Hospital didn't go over so well with viewers.

Thanks to CRinVA and JReitan47.

Kingdom Hospital DVD and finale

Posted: July 1, 2004, 00:00

Here is a better look at how the region 2 Kingdom Hospital DVD will look like. It's being released on August 2, 2004. You order it from here.

ABC has rescheduled Kingdom Hospital's two-hour finale for Thursday, July 15 at 8:00/7:00c instead of 9:00/8:00c.

Building Bridges

Posted: June 30, 2004, 00:00
The earlier untitled CD with King's National Book Foundation Speech has now gotten a title. It is Building Bridges: Stephen King Live at the National Book Awards and the CD, that is 30 minutes long, is being released in August.

In other audio news. Sissy Spacek, the original Carrie in the film, will read the audiobook! The audio is released in February 2005.

Now you can order Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the 2004 Season from

Desperation starts filming in September

Posted: June 28, 2004, 23:42
I spoke to Mick Garris today and he told me that he will start shooting Desperation, which has gotten its official green light, for ABC in September. He continued by saying that the casting director starts working today, so there is no cast yet. The script however is written by King and finished and it will all result in a three-hour movie for ABC, not a miniseries.

The Talisman director Ed Zwick is dropping out of the project.

Posted: June 24, 2004, 23:23
"Variety says that just one month after director Ed Zwick replaced Vadim Perelman on DreamWorks' mystical The Talisman, he, too, is dropping out of the project. The problem was that the film wasn't creatively together in time for the start date. Shooting was originally slated to start in July, then September, then October.

The script, in particular, was a sticking point, adds the trade. Adapted by Ehren Kruger from Stephen King and Peter Straub's novel, the screenplay was reworked by Carlo Bernard and Doug Miro, but rewriting continues.

Steven Spielberg secured rights to the book, about a young man's journey to find a talisman that will save his mother's life, in the 1980s. The October shoot date has been cancelled and no other start date has been set. It was to be released in theaters next year."

Thanks to Rocky Wood, David Sjödin and John Flynn.

Interview with Michael Whelan

Posted: June 23, 2004, 00:00
I have done an interview with Michael Whelan who has illustrated The Dark Tower VII (which is less then 3 month away). In the interview he talks about illustrating King books, the difference between illustrating the first and the last book in the series among other things. A very interesting interview.

Here are two images from The Dark Tower VII. The one with Roland on is the endpaper and the other one is an illustration from in the book.

And here is the full cover of The Dark Tower VII without the text.

Apparently Grant is proof reading The Dark Tower VII now and they guess that the final page count is looking to be around 864 pages or so.

King working on a new novel

Posted: June 20, 2004, 00:00
In the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly (the one with Christian Bale on the cover), is a small article about Song of Susannah. The article also mentions that along with the upcoming baseball book, King is also working on a new novel, and says that he's not sure how it's going, but since he "retired" the pressure is off of him. How about that?

Thanks to Joseph Altomere.

All that you love x3

Posted: June 19, 2004, 00:00
It seems there are no less then 3 Dollar Babies in the making (or done) based on King's short story All That You Love Will Be Carried Away.

One is by James Renner and this one I have already told you about. Now it has come to my attention that there is also one done by Scott Albanese. You can soon read more about this one at

Then there is a third with the title The Secret Transit Codes of America's Highways (see image) by Brian Berkowitz.

Thanks to Scott Albanese.

Song of Susannah s/l

Posted: June 17, 2004, 00:00
Here are some pictures of the Signed/Limited of Song of Susannah. This edition has a slightly different dustjacket artwork than the Artist Edition. The S/L has the three pictures from the back of the Artist edition, but they're pushed to the left and compacted to take up only half of the picture. The right half is a picture of two of the towers from the fortress with a moon in the background surrounded by clouds. The actual book covers themselves have white boards (just like all of the others) and in the middle of the front board there's a picture of either the fortress or the Dark Tower (I couldn't really tell which) stamped on in black.

Check the Song of Susannah page for more images.

Kingdom Hospital DVD

Posted: June 10, 2004, 00:00
Both and Columbia Tri-Star Home Video in the UK report that there will be a region 2 DVD of Kingdom Hospital released on August 2, less then 2 month from now. The box will have 4 discs.

You can pre-order it here. Remember though that this is the region 2 DVD. The region 1 DVD is still scheduled for October as far as I know.

Interview with King

Posted: June 9, 2004, 00:00
A new interview with King can be found in USA Today. There are severe spoilers for Song of Susannah so be careful.

Thanks to Rocky Wood.

Anthony Michael Hall (Johnny Smith), John L. Adams (Bruce Lewis) or Chris Bruno (Sheriff Walt Bannerman) of The Dead Zone will be appearing tomorrow, Thursday, June 10, at the new Gateway Center Best Buy store on La Brea Avenue just south of Santa Monica Boulevard. The 3 actors will be doing a DVD signing from 3 to 5 PM.

Song of Susannah released

Posted: June 8, 2004, 00:00
Today Song of Susannah is released.

Also released today is the DVD box with season 2 of The Dead Zone. You can get that one here:

Anthony Michael Hall will be on the Jimmy Kimmel Live Show on June 11th/June12th at 12:36AM (start times vary) to promote the new season of The Dead Zone. Its on channel 7 [WJLA].

Riding the Bullet images

Posted: June 7, 2004, 00:00

Here are some images from the upcoming film version of Riding the Bullet.

David Arquette plays George Staub and Jonathan Jackson Alan Parker.

The Moderator of King's official site says that she believe King has done a commentary for the DVD edition of Kingdom Hospital.

Yesterday was the premier of season 3 of The Dead Zone. On the official site you can now get all the info about episode 1.


Posted: June 4, 2004, 00:00
Simon & Schuster Audio will release King's National Book Foundation Speech on Compact Disk. The CD is still untitled but it will be release in August 2004 and cost $12.00.

The new issue of Entertainment Weekly (#769, June 11, 2004 with Harry Potter on the cover) contains a new Pop of King column titled Lines To Live By in which King discusses famous movie lines.

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan.

Retail sources are confirming the planned October timeframe for the release of Kingdom Hospital on DVD. No specific date has been made available yet though. They were told, however, to expect the video format to be in widescreen, that it would be a multi disc set of "the entire mini-series", in an elaborate package and at an eye-catching price.

The CD-ROM version of Stephen King Collectables may be manufactured on DVD. This way it could contain six times the storage capacity of the CD-ROM. Read more at George Beahm's site.

There is now an interview with Anthony Michael Hall from The Dead Zone up at Ain't It Cool News.

New covers

Posted: June 2, 2004, 00:00

Some new covers where released today. To the right are the US and UK edition of Stephen King's The Dark Tower Concordance vol. 2 as well as the UK trade paperback of Wolves of the Calla and the galley of The Road to The Dark Tower.

Reviews and more

Posted: June 1, 2004, 00:00
Here are my reviews of Song of Susannah (that will hit bookstores on June 8) and the remake of 'Salem's Lot.

Jerad over at Centipede Press has recently announced that the new Signed/Limited of Salem's Lot is now officially SOLD OUT. He also says that he will continue to take names to add to the waiting list of those who cancel or default on their orders.

Thanks to Thomas K.

On Oct. 1-16 Misery will be preformed on stage in Cincinnatiarts. Read more at and get your tickets here.

Thanks to Rocky Wood.

The Talisman pushed back.

Posted: May 27, 2004, 23:22
Filming of The Talisman has been pushed back to September. This is because of the rewrite Ed Zwick is currently doing on the script. The new shooting dates are September 13th to December 7th 2004.

Thanks to Anders and David Sjödin.

Full Susannah sleeve and remake of IT details

Posted: May 19, 2004, 00:00

Yesterday I got a copy of the finished UK edition of Song of Susannah (you can see the cover above) and after watching the illustrations I can only say Wow. They are a bit different from earlier once but they sure are nice!

The cover for the artist edition of Song of Susannah and a screensaver has been released.

The remake of IT will be done from Beverly Marsh's point of view acording to Peter Filardi.

Bev Vincent, Julie Sands and Peter Schink have written the script for a Dollar Baby version of King's story Lunch at the Gotham Cafe. They are calling it just Gotham Cafe though to make it a little flashier. Here are the (present) cast:

Steve: Ingo Rademacher
Diane: Julie Sands
Guy: Cullen Douglas
Humboldt: Charles Carroll

Director: Peter Schink
Script: Bev Vincent, Julie Sands and Peter Schink

According to AdWeek, ABC has not officially announced that Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital will not be back for a new season.

Now you can see the Dollar Baby The Last Rung on the Ladder online.

Salem's Lot remake and limited edition

Posted: May 18, 2004, 00:00
A 30 second teaser for the remake of Salem's Lot is now up on TNT's site. There is also a lot of additional info on the site.

Brian Freeman will run an exclusive interview with Jerad Walters of Centipede Press in this week's CD Weekly Newsletter. Jerad Walters is the man behind the new limited edition of Salem's Lot.

The King's lined up as judges

Posted: May 17, 2004, 00:00
The first part of Song of Susannah called 1st Stanza: Beamquake is now online.

LEWISTON (AP) -- High school juniors in Maine looking to make their names as writers will have a chance to get their work read by some of the state's better-known authors.

Novelists Stephen King, Tabitha King and Richard Russo are lined up to serve as judges in a new contest spearheaded by the Maine Community College System.

Gov. Baldacci is set to announce the contest details on Monday.

Stephen King made plans two years ago to teach writing to Maine middle schoolers through the state's laptop program. But last year he said he was too busy to make good on the offer.

Thanks to Rocky Wood.