The Mist week!

Posted: March 24, 2008, 00:12
Welcome to The Mist week here at Lilja’s Library. This week will be dedicated to the release of The Mist on DVD. During the week (Monday to Friday) I’ll be giving away one copy of the movie (the double disk edition) each day.

I will also give you an interview I did over the phone with director Frank Darabont as well as my review of the movie. And that is not all. If everything goes as planned I’ll have some more goodies to give away during the week.

So, keep checking back during the week, head in for today’s question in the contest and also, don’t miss my interview with Frank.


Past turns After

Posted: March 23, 2008, 21:33
It seems King has changed the title of the upcoming collection from Just Past Sunset to Just After Sunset.

Thanks to Takeo Harada

Interview and globe

Posted: March 20, 2008, 00:11
I just got confirmation that the full interview with King and Darabont that is the prize in The Mist contest I told you about yesterday will only be on the rental version of The Mist.

Also, Blockbuster is offering Mist Globes to the first one that buy the movie. If anyone can get an extra please let me know.

The Mist game

Posted: March 18, 2008, 22:21
Here you can play a Mist game. If you make it to the end there is a reward for you in the form of a preview clip with King and Darabont and the complete version is supposedly only going to be found on the rental version of the DVD.

DALLAS, March 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- "The Mist" is rolling in today, with Blockbuster Inc. launching a free online game inspired by the Stephen King film at its website, The game pits players against the predatory "Mist" creatures from the movie and highlights that BLOCKBUSTER(R) will have exclusive rentals of The Weinstein Company film when it is released on DVD on March 25.

Now through April 8, "The Mist" game will give gamers a chance to live the movie. Players must defeat a series of predators, battling their way through three levels based on scenes in the film. Those who escape the mist and win the game get a sneak peak of an exclusive interview with Stephen King and director/screenwriter Frank Darabont. The full version of this interview will be featured on the rental DVD, exclusively available at participating BLOCKBUSTER stores and online at

The public can access the game at In addition to the game, the landing page will feature the movie trailer, an option to rent the DVD and the option to receive a coupon redeemable for one $1.99 DVD rental at participating BLOCKBUSTER stores.

Based on the horror novella by Stephen King, "The Mist" tells the story of a mysterious mist that rolls into the town of Bridgton, Maine. David Drayton and his young son Billy are among a group of terrified townspeople who are trapped in a local grocery store by a strange, otherworldly mist. David is the first to realize there are "things" lurking in the mist -- deadly, horrifying things, not of this world. In this legendary tale of terror from master storyteller Stephen King, the thin veneer of civilization is stripped away, the masks are discarded and the true horror is revealed as us.

"The Mist" is part of an agreement that provides BLOCKBUSTER with exclusive U.S. rental rights to The Weinstein Company's theatrical and direct-to-video films, which are distributed by Genius Products, LLC. Other recent Weinstein Company releases made available for rent exclusively through Blockbuster include the Stephen King/Frank Darabont film "1408," "The Nanny Diaries" starring Scarlett Johansson, the Michael Moore documentary "Sicko" and the "Grindhouse" double feature including Quentin Tarantino's "Death Proof" and Robert Rodriguez's "Planet Terror."

The Stand as a graphic novel

Posted: March 18, 2008, 16:51
As King mentioned in my interview with him Marvel will turn The Stand into a graphic novel.

Here is an article about it.

Thanks to everyone that has mailed me about this.

Mist week coming up

Posted: March 17, 2008, 20:30
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that next week is The Mist week here at Lilja’s Library. I have just finished a phone interview with Frank Darabont about the movie and that one will go online next week.

There will also be my review of the DVD and off course a contest in which you can win The Mist on DVD. So, check back in during next week or sign up for my newsletter because you don’t want to miss this!


A redesign

Posted: March 15, 2008, 00:16
A redesign of is in the making and earlier today this mail was sent out to the members of the official message board:

As those of you who frequent the Message Board know, we have been hinting for several months that the web site is going through its second major redesign. A lot has changed since the site first rolled out over a decade ago and version 3 is going to blow your socks off! Because of the sheer volume of material we will be offering and the complexity of the interactive features that are being designed, we will be launching the site in stages. The new Message Board was the first of those changes to go live but even that has new features in development. To whet your appetite for what's to come, here are a few of the changes you'll be seeing in the months ahead:

Big things are coming...

What to expect in 2008 on

A fully redesigned and reengineered Official Web Site featuring:

The Library - A brand new searchable database of Stephen King books, audio books, short stories, movies and more.

Multimedia Section - Offering audio book samples, movie previews, exclusive video clips, fan art, downloads and more.

Community Features - Tell the world what you think of Stephen's works with our new "my thoughts on this" comment system.

Updated Message Board - Offering new themes and style guides.

New Dark Tower Web Site coming in April - Combining the classic seven part epic with Marvel's Dark Tower series, the redesign is just what the doctor ordered for the constant Dark Tower reader.

"Wally World" - Codename for a Dark Tower Interactive Flash Experience coming Summer 2008.

The Office - Step inside Stephen's eclectic office and browse hundreds of artifacts and memorabilia in this Interactive Flash Experience coming Fall 2008.

Click here to see the new home page

King on NPR

Posted: March 13, 2008, 08:43
Here you can listen to NPR's interview with King.

Thanks to Larry Fire

King and Hill!

Posted: March 12, 2008, 15:56
Here is a comment from the Moderator on King's official message boar about King and Hill's collaboration:

Yes, Steve told me about this about a month or so ago, but the question is whether or not all of it is meant to be public info yet. I'll check on it but can't promise I can get back to you today as I have several other priorities to take care of first.

King and Hill?

Posted: March 12, 2008, 10:15
This very interesting news just poped up on Joe Hill's official site, and we all know who his paw is, right:

It’s true that at the moment I’m knee-deep in a novel that I didn’t expect to be writing, and having a hell of a good time with it, thanks. And until I turn in the new book, I won’t have a lot of time for short fiction. But I recently collaborated on a novella with my Paw, so that’s coming down the pike. I also promised a short story to a couple friends for their upcoming anthology, and although I don’t keep all of my promises, I plan to fulfill that one. And while Locke & Key isn’t short fiction in the traditional sense, I’d argue that crafting the script for a 22-page issue calls on a lot of the same skills you need to execute a short story. I’m still a guy who believes most 300 page novels would play better as 30 page shorts, and who feels most at ease writing stories that can be read in a single sitting; I have a basically short story imagination, I think.

Thanks to Ross Warren, Marco Lammers and Sam

Locke & Key issue #2

Posted: March 12, 2008, 00:42
I have just finished the second issue of Joe Hill’s comic Locke & Key and you can see what I thought about it here.

Just Past Sunset synopsis

Posted: March 11, 2008, 18:08
Here is a synopsis for Just Past Sunset from Waterstone's:

What would you do if your everyday world were turned upside down in an instant? Here are twelve riveting stories about relationships with unexpected twists. Be very careful what you wish for.Read about the acts of kindness from strangers: 'workmen' who intervene in the obsessive exercise regime of a middle aged artist in Stationary Bike; the unexpected visitor, a blind girl, whose kiss saves a dying man; a mute hitchhiker who helps a driver get over his wife's affair.There are tales of obsession and fights for power: The Gingerbread Girl runs and runs to ease her pain; two neighbours contesting for a piece of land get into A Very Tight Place and a man who witnesses an act of domestic violence in a Rest Stop needs to step into his identity as a crime writer if he's to intervene.Then there are the unexpected outside events which turn people's world's upside down or the right way up: a young couple, David and Willa who are derailed on a train find themselves seeking the bright lights in a nearby town -- and playing the jukebox, for eternity; an older couple want to punctuate the banal humdrum with something unusual -- until it happens.

Thanks to Neil Jarvis

Edgar and Abagail Freemantle

Posted: March 11, 2008, 14:03
From King's message board:

I recently sent this thread to Steve to read and he asked me to post this message:

Several astute readers have commented on Edgar's last name. The answer is yes, of course he is related to Abagail Freemantle. He is in fact her great-great-grandson. (One has to remember, however, that the Abagail Freemantle readers know existed in an alternate Stephen King in the Stand-verse.) He has no idea of his Afro-American heritage.

The thread it applies to is this one.

Dead Zone season 6

Posted: March 11, 2008, 13:44
The sixth and last season of The Dead Zone will be released on DVD on June 3rd. Read more over at TV Shows on DVD.

Thanks to Marco Lammers

King on the radion on Wednesday

Posted: March 10, 2008, 08:42
King will appear live on NPR's esteemed program Talk of The Nation this Wednesday:

by CBR News Team, Editor
Posted: March 9, 2008 —
Official Press Release

Legendary author Stephen King will give a live interview to discuss the state of comics tied to the release of Marvel Comics’ Dark Tower: The Long Road Home, the second story arc in his ground-breaking epic series Dark Tower on NPR’s esteemed program Talk of The Nation this Wednesday, March 12th from 2:30-3:00 PM EST.

“Marvel Publishing is grateful to Stephen for taking the time out of his busy schedule to talk about The Dark Tower comic series and comic books as a whole,” says Ruwan Jayatilleke, Marvel Entertainment Vice President of Development. “We’re excited that this will offer a chance to introduce this phenomenal epic---and medium of entertainment--- to NPR’s listeners as well as reward loyal Dark Tower fans with some highly entertaining radio!”

The second installment of the best-selling, critically acclaimed comic book series hit stores on March 5th with the continuing saga of the last Gunslinger in Dark Tower: The Long Road Home. The series reunites the all-star creative team of Dark Tower expert Robin Furth, The New York Times best-selling author Peter David, Eisner Award-winning artist Jae Lee and fan favorite illustrator Richard Isanove, who turned the first series Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born into the comic book event of 2007 -- making it one of the year’s top selling series.

Exploring a chapter in Roland's life that is only hinted at in the novels, Dark Tower: The Long Road Home is the must-have that no comic book or Dark Tower fan can miss, and no fan of comics can afford to miss King’s live interview on NPR!

To check local listings, please visit

Thanks to Rocky Wood

McSweeney cover

Posted: March 7, 2008, 08:14
Here is the cover for McSweeney's issue 27 where King's story A Very Tight Place will be included.

Thanks to Larry Fire

More about the reading

Posted: March 3, 2008, 07:30
Here are some info about King and Lauren Groff's reading:

"The Monsters of Templeton" by Lauren Groff (Hyperion/Voice, $24.95) is the current selection of the Herald-Tribune Book Club. Groff will be in conversation with mystery writer Stephen King in a special event at 6:30 p.m. March 27 in Selby Auditorium at the University of South Florida, 8350 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. Tickets are $25, include a copy of Groff's book, and are available at Sarasota News & Books, 1341 Main St. Call 365-6332. For information about the book club, call Susan Rife at 361-4930 or e-mail susan.rife

Thanks to Rocky Wook

King on Canadian TV

Posted: March 3, 2008, 07:29
King is first out in a new TV show starting on the Bravo channel in Canada. Here is a description:

Books into Film EP: 01 Stephen King 2005
Series examining the adaptation of books into movies, using clips, interviews and behind-the-scenes footage. This episode: Hollywood's long-running fascination with this versatile writer, author of "Carrie," "The Shawshank Redemption," "The Shining" and "Stand By Me."

Thanks to Louis Sytsma

Ghost Brothers premier

Posted: March 1, 2008, 00:43

Alliance Theatre has released the following info about Ghost Brothers of Darkland County. It will run April 15 - May 10, 2009:

Ghost Brothers of Darkland County
A haunted cabin. A late night jump off lover’s leap. A chilling new musical.

In 1957, in the tiny town of Lake Belle Reve, Mississippi, a terrible tragedy took the lives of two brothers and a beautiful young girl. During the next forty years, the events of that night became a local legend. But legend is often just another word for lie. Joe McCandless knows what really happened; he saw it all. The question is whether or not he can bring himself to tell the truth in order to save his own troubled sons, and whether the ghosts left behind by an act of violence will help him...or tear the McCandless family apart forever. Stephen King’s script brings the power of suspense and Rock and Roll Hall of Famer John Mellencamp brings a gritty rock and zydeco score to this World Premiere musical that’s certain to send chills up your spine.

Why We Love This Play
Ghost Brothers of Darkland County is a sultry Southern gothic mystery, with a blues-tinged guitar-driven score. It’s a great story of family tension and secrets, a gripping mystery and a traditional ghost story. Since Aida, our Alliance has participated in the development of some of the most exciting and heartfelt new American musicals. Our audience has a reputation for an adventurous spirit and support for new work, embracing the excitement of developing theatre, a reputation that drew the remarkable creative team of this new musical to Atlanta.

New reading on March 27th?

Posted: February 29, 2008, 20:41
Lauren Groff mentiones in an interview that she and King will do a reading together on March 27th.

The Wall Street Journal: How did Stephen King get onto your book so early?

Lauren Groff: He chose a story of mine for "The Best American Short Stories 2007," which he edited. It's a resetting of Abelard and Heloise in 1918 during the flu epidemic titled "L. DeBard and Aliette." Aliette is a girl stricken by polio who later goes on to become an Olympic swimmer. Anyway, he loved the story, thank goodness. My editor, Pam Dorman, had worked with him on earlier books, and asked if he would like to see my book. He wrote it up and created amazing buzz right from the beginning. (Ms. Groff's short story is online at The Atlantic.)

WSJ: What was the impact?

Ms. Groff: There is no name in American literature more recognized than Stephen King, so it helped immeasurably. In Sarasota, Fla., we'll be doing a reading together. (The March 27 event will be on the University of South Florida's Sarasota-Manatee campus.)

The moderator of King’s official board had the following comment:

I'm not 100% sure about his doing a reading -- will have to double check with him. The original deal was just that he would be introducing Lauren Groff, nothing about a reading.

The Mist still on March 25th

Posted: February 29, 2008, 20:40
After some confusing it seams The Mist is back on it’s original DVD release date, March 25th. If you head over to Amazon you can also see a preview from the DVD where Frank talks about the visual effects.

Locke & Key issue #1

Posted: February 28, 2008, 16:38
I have just finished issue on of Joe Hill’s new comic Locke & Key and you can see what I thought about it here.

Issue #1 was released February 20 and sold out on the first day. Issue #2 is scheduled to be out on March 5, make sure you get your copy then.

Ghost Brothers of Darkland County in 2009

Posted: February 27, 2008, 08:02
will premier in April/May 2009:

Mellencamp, Stephen King will debut scary musical at Alliance

The king of goosebumps and a soon-to-be Rock and Roll Hall of Famer are creating a new musical that will debut at the Alliance Theatre.

Mystery writer Stephen King and Grammy Award-winning pop-music legend John Mellencamp, both newcomers to theater, will unveil the world premiere of "Ghost Brothers of Darkland County" in April and May of next year, the Alliance has announced.

"It is John Mellencamp's musical style and it's Stephen King's gothic style, and I just thought it was too cool to pass up," Alliance artistic director Susan V. Booth says.

Set in 1957, "Ghost Brothers" centers on a simmering 40-year-old legend about the strange deaths of two brothers and a beautiful young girl in the fictional town of Lake Belle Reve, Miss.

Booth says it's too soon to say if the show will transfer to Broadway but that commercial producers will be charting the musical's progress. In a recent Rolling Stone interview, Mellencamp said, "If it goes well in Atlanta, then we'll come to Broadway. If it don't go well in Atlanta, we're done."

Mellencamp, who has been working on the piece for eight years, is to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on March 10.

Booth said the idea for "Ghost Brothers" came from a story Mellencamp heard as a youth in his hometown of Seymour, Ind. When the writer of hits "Jack and Diane" and "Hurts So Good" decided to turn the material into a musical, he realized he needed a book writer.

At that point, Booth says, Mellencamp thought: "Wait, it's a ghost story. Who's the best ghost story writer there is? So his people talked to Stephen King's people, and now they are buddies and they have written this musical together."

Booth describes the show as "a theatrical piece with music." There will be a live band onstage, and New York director Peter Askin will direct. Askin's credits include Eve Ensler's "The Good Body" and John Leguizamo's "Sexaholix" on Broadway and John Cameron Mitchell's "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" off-Broadway.

"John and Stephen have the kinds of names and reputations that are going to attract people's curiosity," Askin says, "and the fact that they have not worked in theater before is an interesting thing."

He describes the musical style as zydeco. "It's Southern and it's kind of country."

"Ghost Brothers" will join an impressive list of new musicals to play the Alliance since Booth arrived in 2001. "The Color Purple," "Sister Act: The Musical" and "The Women of Brewster Place" have all helped put the Alliance on the national map. Last year, the Alliance won the regional Tony Award for sustained excellence.

The Alliance is expected to announce the rest of its 2008-2009 season this week.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Early stages of DT?

Posted: February 26, 2008, 11:18
In an interview J.J. Abrams said that he and Damon Lindelof are in very early stages of a Dark Tower adaptation. You can listen to it here.

My interview with King part 3

Posted: February 22, 2008, 08:03
The third and final part of my interview with Stephen King is now available. I call it PART 3 – The Gingerbread Girl, The Mist and The Talisman 3 and you can read it here

Enjoy! / Lilja

My interview with King part 2

Posted: February 21, 2008, 08:39
The second part of my interview with Stephen King is now available. I call it PART 2 – Just Past Sunset, The Dark Tower and The Stand and you can read it here

Enjoy! / Lilja

My interview with King part 1

Posted: February 20, 2008, 08:16
The first part of my interview with Stephen King is now available. I call it PART 1 – Duma Key and a really long new book and you can read it here

Enjoy! / Lilja

The Long Road Home #3

Posted: February 20, 2008, 00:52
Pencils & Cover by JAE LEE & RICHARD ISANOVE
Variant Sketch Cover by JAE LEE
With Roland’s consciousness trapped within Maerlyn’s Grapefruit, his ka-tet companion, Alain, enters the mystical todash space in an attempt to rescue his friend. But as he and Roland flit in and out of alien dimensions, Cuthbert, the last member of their ka-tet, desperately tries to stave off a pack of slavering mutant wolves who have come to devour the unconscious Roland and Alain!

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Stories in Just Past Sunset

Posted: February 19, 2008, 21:03
Here is news about the stories in Just Past Sunset:

Update on new short story collection
We have received the list of stories that will be included in Steve's new short story collection, Just Past Sunset, which will be published in November '08. There may be one more bonus story, but this is the list so far:

The Gingerbread Girl
Harvey’s Dream
Rest Stop
Stationary Bike
The Things They Left Behind
Graduation Afternoon
The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates
A Very Tight Place

Sunset in the UK as well

Posted: February 18, 2008, 23:50
Hodder & Stoughton tells me that their edition of Just Past Sunset will be out November 11 as well.

Sunset on Nov. 11

Posted: February 18, 2008, 14:01
Scribner now lists Just Past Sunset for release on November 11, 2008. The book will be 400 pages long.

Lilja interviews King...again

Posted: February 18, 2008, 00:44
This past Friday I did a new phone interview with Stephen King and it will be published here hopefully within the next days so keep checking back…or even better, subscribe to my newsletter and you’ll know about it the second it’s out.

King on Canadian TV

Posted: February 18, 2008, 00:44
Robert L from Canada sent me this interesting info:

Last summer's Canadian Booksellers Association Lifetime Achievement Gala for Stephen King will be broadcast this week. It will feature the individual intros by Margaret Atwood and Clive Barker, and the lengthy interview with Mr. King by pop culture critic Chuck Klosterman (whose book "Fargo Rock City" King highly recommends). It will air this Thursday Feb. 21 on Canada's "Bravo" channel, at 9 PM EST. No words on a U.S. broadcast.

Thanks to Robert L

King hits 30

Posted: February 13, 2008, 15:50
A bit of Trivia for you that you may or may not know... with Duma Key King has notched up 30 number ones on the New York Times best seller list... more than any other author in the history of the list.

1 The Dead Zone Viking October 14, 1979
2 Firestarter Viking September 28, 1980
3 Cujo Viking August 23, 1981
4 Different Seasons Viking August 15, 1982
5 Pet Sematary Doubleday November 13, 1983
6 The Talisman (with Peter Straub) Viking October 28, 1984
7 Thinner (as Richard Bachman) NAL Books April 28, 1985
8 Skeleton Crew Putnam June 23, 1985
9 It Viking September 14, 1986
10 The Eyes of the Dragon Viking February 1, 1987
11 Misery Viking June 7, 1987
12 The Tommyknockers Putnam November 29, 1987
13 The Dark Half Viking November 5, 1989
14 The Stand Doubleday May 13, 1990
15 Four Past Midnight Viking September 16, 1990
16 Gerald's Game Viking July 19, 1992
17 Dolores Claiborne Viking December 6, 1992
18 Insomnia Viking October 23, 1994
19 Desperation Viking October 13, 1996
20 Bag of Bones Scribner October 11, 1998
21 The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon Scribner May 2, 1999
22 Dreamcatcher Scribner April 8, 2001
23 Black House (with Peter Straub) Random House September 30, 2001
24 Everything's Eventual Scribner April 7, 2002
25 From a Buick 8 Scribner October 13, 2002
26 Song of Susannah Donald M. Grant/Scribner June 27, 2004
27 The Dark Tower Donald M. Grant/Scribner October 10, 2004
28 Cell Scribner February 12, 2006
29 Lisey's Story Scribner November 12, 2006
30 Duma Key Scribner February 10, 2008

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Thanks from Steve

Posted: February 12, 2008, 13:53
Here is a thank you from King for all the entertainment experiences he asked for earlier:

Hey, you guys—

Thanks so much for sharing your worst entertainment experiences. Not only did I get a great Entertainment Weekly column out of it, I almost laughed myself into cardiac arrest. I know that on one level it’s dreadfully mean to laugh at the misfortunes of others, but on another level…let’s just think of it as “identification and sympathy,” okay? It was great.

And speaking of Entertainment Weekly, I saw a great movie last week called Jumper and I can’t write about it for them because the executive producer also happens to be the guy who got me the EW gig. It would look like log-rolling. Probably this does, too, but I don’t care. It was the fun movie I hoped for last summer when Transformers opened (the only pic I walked out on all year; it offended even my low standards). Jumper is about a picked-on teen who discovers he can teleport. So if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to eat lunch on the head of the Sphinx, or take your girlfriend on a make-out expedition into the catacombs below the Roman Coliseum, this is the movie for you. You may have also wondered what Samuel L. Jackson would look like in a 1940s-style bathing cap. If so…check out the ’do.

Now you’re probably wondering, Uncle Stevie, how much did you get comped for this? Answer: not a penny. I’d tell you I liked this movie if Hugo Chavez was an executive producer. (Come to think of it, I’ve never seen Hugo and my pal Ralph in the same place, so maybe…) Aw heck, think of this as my little Forry Ackerman turn and go see the darn movie.

Plus…thanks again for having so many weird experiences. I loved em.


Mist DVD cover

Posted: February 11, 2008, 13:24
Here is the cover for the double DVD release of The Mist

Today Amazon released the DVD cover art for Genius Products release of The Mist (review) on March 25. On both the single and two-disc you'll find: Audio commentary by writer/director Frank Darabont, Eight deleted scenes with optional commentary, and “A Conversation With Stephen King and Frank Darabont” featurette; the two-disc exclusively carries: “When Darkness Came: The Making of The Mist” featurette, “Taming the Beast: Shooting Scene 35” featurette, “Monsters Among Us: A Look at the Creature FX” featurette, “The Horror of It All: The Visual FX of The Mist” featurette and “Drew Struzan: Appreciation of an Artist” featurette.

Pre-order your copy here.

Thanks to Marcus Caesar

Just Past Sunset

Posted: February 6, 2008, 21:12
Here are some of the news we have been waiting for about the upcoming collection:

New Short Story Collection

The title for Stephen's new short story collection has been chosen. It will be titled Just Past Sunset. The publication date and story list are still being finalized but a fall 2008 date is a possibility.

A Very Tight Place

Posted: February 6, 2008, 21:10
Aperantly the story King will have in McSweeney's issue 27 will be called A Very Tight Place.

King talks about A Very Tight Place in his interview with Nightline:

Let me give you an example. There's a story that's written, it's been accepted for publication by a magazine. It's called "A Very Tight Place." And we live part of the year down in Florida, and I have a walk that I go on every day, that's fairly isolated. Which is good, because people don't bother me or anything. I get a chance to read a little bit, to think a little bit. And one day while I was on that walk, I saw one of these Porta-Potties. You know what I mean? They stand up, and I thought you know what? There's nobody around ... the house that it belonged to was under construction, and the workers had all gone home for the day, and I still had a mile to go to get home, and I thought, you know what? I'm going to go in there and I'm going to take a leak. That'll be good. Why not? It's there. I'll get comfortable.

King Takes on His CriticsAnd I did. I went in, and the thing had been undercut, not a lot, just the tiniest little bit. So that when I stepped into the Porta-Pottie, I could feel this thing rock a little bit on its base. And I thought to myself, you know, if ... if one of those things fell over on its door, and a person was inside, that person would be in trouble. And immediately I'm thinking Poe, The Premature Burial, I'm thinking about all the buried alive stories that I've ever read, and I'm thinking, but I've never read a story about anyone trapped in a Porta-Pottie. And there are so many interesting things that you can do with people who are in tight places, people's feelings of claustrophobia are easy to bring out. I'm not a particularly claustrophobic person myself, but I thought, "Oh, my God, this is wonderful!" So then I go online ...

Thanks to Bev Vincent & Larry Fire

My thoughts...

Posted: February 6, 2008, 13:27
Check out my thoughts about the last season of The Dead Zone right here

Steve needs your help

Posted: February 4, 2008, 16:07
King is asking for help on his message board:

Dear Constant Browser,

As you know, I do a column for Entertainment Weekly, and I had an idea for a column called My Worst Entertainment Experience. If you have stories about your absolute worst entertainment experience--anything from a guy who threw up in your lap at a movie to a concert where the lead singer passed out--let me know. Please limit your responses to 100 or so words. After all Ms. Mod and I have to wade our way through these things. In any case, thank you for your help! And if you never had a terrible entertainment experience…I hate you!


P.S. Please sign a first name (it doesn't have to be your real name) that I can use along with your experience in the column.

Slipcases from Overlook Connection

Posted: February 4, 2008, 09:01
The Overlook Connection is releasing a bunch of slipcases to different Stephen King books (including Blaze and Duma Key) as well as to The Dark Tower comic and I’m now very pleased to let you all know that Dave over at
The Overlook Connection has agreed to give all you readers of Lilja’s Library a 10% discount when you buy these slipcases.

All you have to do is head over to The Overlook Connection and pick the ones you like and then use the code LiljaSlipDeal in the REDEEM CODE box for their discount.

The deal is valid from now until Feb. 15th.

Black and white

Posted: February 3, 2008, 23:41
Here is a black and white version of the cover of the first issue of The Long Road Home.

Black and white Mist

Posted: February 2, 2008, 22:34
As reported earlier there will be a black and white version of The Mist on the DVD release of the movie and now Frank is telling us why that is in this clip.

Thanks to Marcus Caesar

A new story in McSweeney's

Posted: February 1, 2008, 22:12
Yet another short story...

McSweeney's 27 comes to you as three separate books in a windowed slipcase, presenting six different possible faces to the world, in order to best match your home décor. Book One plunges into the grayish, faintly understood area of the art world involving oddly drawn objects coupled with uncertainly spelled text. Book Two is a never-before-seen 72-page sketchbook by the legendary Art Spiegelman. Book Three collects new stories by Stephen King, Jim Shepard, and fiveish others.

The issue will probably be out during the first half of 2008.

Thanks to Ari and Bev Vincent