Variant cover for issue 4

Posted: May 3, 2007, 00:10
Here is the variant cover of The Gunslinger Born issue #4. It's done by Steve McNiven.

Thanks to Mike Cahill

King in Canada in June

Posted: May 2, 2007, 21:43
King goes to Canada:

Stephen King, Naomi Klein, Ami McKay, Christopher Hitchens, Sherman Alexie, Louise Penny, Kenneth Oppel, Jeannette Walls, James A. Owen: just a sampling from the broad range of over 50 authors participating in a brand new festival for readers in Toronto. Taking place over three days from June 7th to 9th, BOOKED! is a unique, inclusive festival catering to the tastes of ALL readers. BOOKED! events include every possible reading genre: from horror to chick-lit, from comic books to current events-this is not your typical Canadian literary festival.

BOOKED! was created by members of the publishing community to give booklovers access to the authors behind the books they love, with readings, presentations, forums, panel discussions and two full days of children's programming. Free events will be held at bookstores and locations throughout Toronto, while ticketed events (ranging from $5-$25) will be held at Fort York, Harbourfront and the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

And, BOOKED! is proud to announce a gala tribute to master storyteller and multi-million-copy best-selling author Stephen King-his first-ever public appearance in Canada-to receive a lifetime achievement award from the Canadian Booksellers Association. The event, to be held at the John Bassett Theatre at the MTCC on Friday, June 8 at 7:30 pm will include an on-stage interview with a surprise celebrity guest. Presented by BOOKED! in partnership with Luminato, International Readings at Harbourfront and Simon & Schuster Canada.

Tickets to all events go on sale Thursday May 3 through the BOOKED! web site and the Harbourfront Centre box office 416-973-4000.

For details on other events, a listing of all participating authors and locations, and for more information on BOOKED! and its sponsors, visit on May 3rd.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

1408 photos

Posted: May 2, 2007, 21:27
Here are some photos from 1408.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Gunslinger Born issue #4

Posted: April 25, 2007, 01:17
Here are some previews from issue #4 of The Gunslinger Born. You can also check out my review of issue #4 here.

Dead Zone returns on June 17

Posted: April 24, 2007, 00:01
From the official Dead Zone site:

USA Network has picked up The Dead Zone for a Sixth Season of 13 one-hour episodes! The series returns Sunday, June 17 at 10/9C with a dramatic premiere that will change everything in Johnny Smith's world. Read the official announcement and be sure to check out Shawn Piller's latest blog in which he details what to expect in Season 6!

The Pop of King: No No No Easy Road

Posted: April 24, 2007, 00:00
There is a new column in the 4/27-5/4/07 double issue of Entertainment Weekly. It's called No No No Easy Road and is about rehab, especially King's own.

Thanks to Willowlove

King to perform with the RBR for the first time in five years

Posted: April 23, 2007, 15:25
Rocky Wood reported earlier today that The New York Post reported that King would perform with the Rock Bottom Remainders on June 1 in New York for the first time in five years.

I just got confirmation that it is correct. King will be there and perform with the band. It will be at Webster Hall on June 1, during the BookExpo America convention and it is to raise money for three literary charities.

Rocky Wood

The Dark Tower Comic Week Day 7

Posted: April 23, 2007, 00:11
The second contest in The Dark Tower Comic Week is now over and here are the right answers:

Question: What other King story was Ralph Macchio involved in turning into a comic?
Answer: The Lanwmower Man for Bizarre Adventures

Question: What was Robin’s first assignment for King?
Answer: It was to sort through the thousands of responses King had gotten to the On Writing story competition.

Question: What date is issue #4 of The Dark Tower comic released?
Answer: May 2nd 2007

And the five winners of a set of issue 1-7 are:
Hannah Beck from the US
Le Cerf Philippe from Belgium
Marco Lammers from The Netherlands
Lauren Roberts from the UK
Michael Emerson from the US

And the winner of a signed (by Jae Lee) copy of one of the issues in the series are:
Linda Kinder from the US.

Congratulations! Some of you were very lucky. Of the original 6 winners I picked only 2 where members on my list so the other 4 (including the grand prize winner) where disqualified…

This ends the The Dark Tower Comic Week but I want to thank you all for doing this a success. I have gotten a lot of mails about it and it’s been 100% positive. So Thanks!

Oh, and I’ll soon have another contest for you...

The Dark Tower Comic Week Day 6

Posted: April 21, 2007, 00:00
Today the time has come to listen to what Peter David, who is doing the scripting on The Dark Tower comic, has to say. In the interview you can also see previews from issue #4, enjoy!

The Dark Tower Comic Week Day 4

Posted: April 19, 2007, 00:00
The first contest in The Dark Tower Comic Week is now over. Here are the right answers:

Question: How many covers for The Dark Tower comic has Joe Quesada done?
Answer: He has done two. He did variant cover for issue #1 but also the one for issue #1’s second printing.

Question: How many story arcs has Marvel announced for The Dark Tower comic so far?
Answer: The number or story arcs is 5 and the total number of issues in those arcs are 30

Question: Who was it that said no to doing two versions of the comic, one as it is today and one with Jae Lee’s sketches uncolorized?
Answer: It was Jae Lee himself after seeing Richard Isanove's coloring

And the two winners of a set of issue 1-3 are:
Tom Twinem from the US
Bob Ireland from the US

And the three winners of a random selected variation cover are:
Gabriel Vaianella from Argentina
Spencer Chestnutt from the US
Khoi Tran from the US

Congratulations! Don’t forget though that The Dark Tower Comic Week is only halfway. As of right now there is a second contest up and running. Don’t forget to enter that one, and yes, you can enter that one if you entered or won in the first contest.

Darabont interview

Posted: April 17, 2007, 14:19
Here is the first interview with Frank Darabont since wrapping the filming of The Mist. In it he mentions that he might get to both The Monkey and / or The Long Walk during 2007.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Robin interviewed

Posted: April 17, 2007, 01:01
Robin Furth was interviewed on Comic Geek Speak #242, which is live today. Check it out here.

Thanks to Brant W. Fowler

Welcome to The Dark Tower Comic Week

Posted: April 16, 2007, 00:00
Welcome to The Dark Tower Comic Week here at Lilja’s Library. During this week (April 16 to April 22) I’m going to give you interviews with the top people involved with creating The Dark Tower Comic.

Here is all you need to know about it...

Read the complete text

Black House at The Haven Foundation

Posted: April 13, 2007, 23:30
I got this mail today about the next book to be sold through The Haven Foundation:

The April selection of a signed book through The Haven Foundation will be Black House (Hardcover signed by both Stephen King and Peter Straub). The price will be $80 plus shipping. The books will go on sale beginning at 12 noon Eastern Time on April 17th. We have a total of 25 copies available and will be offering them in small lots at random times throughout the day so that they will not sell out within the first 2 minutes of going on sale as they did in January. We do not take pre-orders or telephone orders.

PLEASE NOTE: Anyone who has purchased a signed Stephen King book through The Haven Foundation will not be eligible to purchase another signed copy. We have a one signed book per household lifetime limit in order to give as many people as possible the opportunity to get a signed book.

Ron to read Blaze

Posted: April 13, 2007, 23:02
Today both Scribner and Hodder & Stoughton confirmed that the narrator for the audio version of Blaze is Ron McLarty. This is very good news if you ask me.


Posted: April 11, 2007, 22:26
This was sent to me from Scribner today...

Edward Miller illustrations

Posted: April 8, 2007, 13:09
Here are Edward Miller (Les Edwards) illustrations for the limited Colorado Kid.

Click for a larger image

If your interested in buying the artwork or prints, please contact Edward at

Thanks to Ari

DT comic clip

Posted: April 2, 2007, 18:35
Here is a clip from when The Dark Tower comic was released.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Mrs Todd's Shortcut for TV

Posted: April 2, 2007, 13:26
Some time ago it was reported that Michael Marshall was adapting a King story. Today Bev Vincent reported the following:

Since this was posted on Shocklines, I'll repeat it here: "Mike's also going to be adapting the Stephen King short story Mrs Todd's Shortcut for TV."

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Landon Talks Christine Remake!

Posted: April 2, 2007, 13:25
Here is some news about a remake of Christine

Stephen King's hellbent '58 Plymouth Fury, Christine, is back in the shop for some modern retooling, no secret there. However, who are the creative mechanics working under the hood? Word trickled over to us that Disturbia co-writer Christopher Landon may be flirting with the project. In talking with him one-on-one about his latest Dreamworks thriller (he shares screenwriting credit with Carl Ellsworth), Landon was hesitant to delve deep into the subject of a Christine remake, but he did confirm his possible involvement.

"['Christine'] has been all over the place," he says, alluding to the property's travels as a rumored SCI FI Channel Original to Sony and NBC's plans to turn it into an event telepic. "If it happens or not we'll see, but when I came in what I wanted to do was really go back to the book, the source material. I'm a fan of the Carpenter version, it is fun. But the book was much more of a possession story than it was just a killer car. That's what made the book so great is that what was so terrifying was that it wasn't just about an inanimate object running around and killing people, it was a boy who was sorta being taken over by the former owner of the car - and there was something more terrifying about that. Also, I just love the dynamics of the characters and so forth. Right now it's way too soon say anything else about it. We're so in the thick of deal-making, I don't want to blow anything else!"

Fair enough. King's original 1983 novel was turned into a John Carpenter film that same year starring John Stockwell (director of Turistas), Keith Gordon ("Dexter") and Alexandra Paul ("Baywatch"). Not long ago, a remake of the film was announced along with an update of King's Pet Sematary.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Papers from The Mist

Posted: March 30, 2007, 22:52
Here are some cool items from the set of The Mist.

Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

Eli Roth talks about Cell

Posted: March 27, 2007, 14:28
Eli Roth talks about his adaptation of Cell:

Eli Roth, who will direct the feature-film version of Stephen King's best-seller Cell, told SCI FI Wire that he won the endorsement of the famously finicky author for his version of the story. "My first question when I adapted it was can I deviate from the book?" Roth said in an interview in Beverly Hills, Calif., on March 25 while promoting Grindhouse, in which he has a small part. "It's Stephen King. Am I going to piss off Stephen King? He was mad at Stanley Kubrick [who adapted King's The Shining], I don't want him mad at me. And, finally, Stephen King was like, 'Do whatever you want.'"

Roth (Hostel) and writers Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski are now writing the script for Cell, based on King's apocalyptic book in which a mysterious cell phone "pulse" drives some people insane all over the world, turning them into ravening killers.

Roth said that he would necessarily change elements of King's book, while maintaining other elements. "I love the opening [scene]," Roth said. "But I also want to keep, ... not necessarily that same chaotic tone, but I want to keep the tension of the opening 40 pages of the book going throughout the whole film and introduce other elements. Because I think the book, for me, where it loses tension is where suddenly you don't feel like the phone crazies are trying to kill them. ... I find that it's finding other ways to make it so you still feel the tension that any second you could get killed [and] carrying that throughout the whole film."

Roth, a native of Boston, added that he hopes to shoot the movie in that city, where it is set. And he'd even like to persuade King to make a cameo in the movie, which Roth will begin after he wraps the upcoming sequel Hostel 2.

"If he'd like to, sure," Roth said of a King cameo. "There's always room. That's the good thing about Cell. Because it's like crazy people running around trying to [kill you] It's like everybody gets a cameo."

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Length of Duma Key

Posted: March 27, 2007, 14:26
_ reports that Duma Key will be 592 pages long. I'm not sure how correct that is but it's what they say.

Thanks to Mike Smith

Preview of issue #3

Posted: March 26, 2007, 23:37
Here are a preview from issue #3 of The Gunslinger Born that Marvel sent me.

Click for a larger image Click for a larger image Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

Click for a larger image

Issue #1 with a new cover

Posted: March 24, 2007, 11:31
The first issue of The Gunslinger Born gets a second printing with a new cover by Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada.

Thanks to Steve Wain

Webisode from The Mist

Posted: March 23, 2007, 13:05
Here is the first (of many I hope) webisode from the set of The Mist.

Thanks to Anders Jakobson

King as guest editor

Posted: March 22, 2007, 16:16
Stephen King Guest Editor For 2007 Edition Of "The Best American Short Stories"

Stephen King is the editor for the new edition of "The Best American Short Stories," an anthology that is organized by a well-known guest editor each year. King said he picked 20 stories to be featured in the 2007 edition, which will be out in October, after reading more than 400.

King also said the book will contain a list of 100 short stories that weren't chosen for the collection but made the "honor roll."

He wrote in the introduction to the collection: "There isn't a single one ... that didn't delight me, that didn't make me want to crow 'Oh man, you gotta read this!' to someone. I knew it would be that way. That's why I took the job. Talent does more than come out; it bursts out, again and again, doing exuberant cartwheels while the band plays 'Stars and Stripes Forever.'"

The BASS anthology first came out in 1915. Past guest editors include Amy Tan, Raymond Carver, Joyce Carol Oates, Garrison Keillor and John Updike.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

The Dead Zone 5 on DVD

Posted: March 19, 2007, 09:17
Here are the DVD cover and info for the fifth edition of The Dead Zone:

All episodes will be presented in Anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1), with Dolby Digital 5.1 audio. Special features include:

"The Other side of the Camera" explores the directorial debut of series stars Chris Bruno (Sheriff Walt Bannerman) and John L. Adams (Bruce Lewis) and how they made the challenging and exciting move to the director's chair for Season Five.

"A Day With JLA” is a guided tour of a typical day on set with series star John L. Adams (Bruce Lewis).

Four Audio Commentaries on:
- Eps #4013 "Articles of Faith" with: Actor/Producer Anthony Michael Hall, DVD Producer Robert Chynoweth, Writer/Supervising Producer Michael Taylor

- Eps #4016 "Revelations" with: Actor/Director John L. Adams, Writer James Morris, Writer Shintaro Shimosawa

- Episode #4014 "Independence Day" with: Director Chris Bruno, Actor Dylan Bruno and Executive Producer Shawn Piller

- Episode #4020 "The Hunting Party" with: Executive Producer Tommy Thompson, Executive Producer Lloyd Segan and Writer Adam Targum

King about Graduation Afternoon

Posted: March 16, 2007, 14:08
Stephen King says the following about his story Graduation Afternoon, which appears in Postscripts Magazine, issue 10, due out in late April. If you can't wait until then, the 'magazine' (352 pages, 160,000 words) will be launched at this year's World Horror Convention in Toronto (29 March to 1 April).

“When I woke, I slid to the floor, glad to be awake and amazed that any human brain could hold such a powerful image. I know I had to write about it, I know the story had to be short – no more then a vignette – and I know I would never be able to do the image (God, don’t let it be a vision) justice.”

Reason for Guidebook push

Posted: March 16, 2007, 01:45
As reported yesterday the Gunslinger's Guidebook has been pushed back to August. Co-author Anthony Flamini posted this on the Marvel DT board:

"Yeah, the Gunslinger's Guidebook was originally envisioned as a handbook focusing on Roland's Hambry adventure and everything that occurred prior to that. But as Robin Furth and I discussed things in greater detail, we decided that we also wanted to feature profiles on the all-new Mid-World characters who would be debuting for the first time in the comic adaptation following the Hambry story arc . . . characters such as the ferocious General Grissom (of the blue-faced barbarians). So that's the primary reason for the book's delay -- but you'll be getting a superior product packed with much more original content! The wait will be worth it!"

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Spielberg go French?

Posted: March 15, 2007, 09:24
It looks like Spielberg has gotten the poster for The Talisman from a French edition of the book. Here is the book cover.

Thanks to Jerome Luc Paulin