Mackenzie Lintz
Posted: June 27, 2014

Mackenzie Lintz: I sent an audition tape into casting for the role of Norrie from Atlanta. A few weeks later I had to send in another tape and then a few weeks after that we got a call that I had booked the part!
Lilja: The part in the TV series is quite different from the one in the book, have you read the book and if so, what is your feelings about the changes they did?
Mackenzie Lintz: Norrie Calvert in the book is definitely a lot different than the Norrie in the show. The biggest difference is the fact that she is from Chesters Mill in the book and from Los Angeles in the show. When I booked the role I began reading the book. As I got into it, I realized how different Norrie was. I made a decision to not finish the book and build Norrie Calvert-Hill into the new character that she is in the show. I, with the help of Jack Bender, Niels Arden-Oplev (the director of the pilot), and of course Stephen King, have loved creating Norrie as she is in the show.
Lilja: There is a lot of special effects in the show, how is it to work with that? Like when you have to pretend there’s a dome in front of you?
Mackenzie Lintz: It is actually one of the coolest parts of our show!! I feel like the dome is another character. It's really fun to interact with the dome and for me the mini dome as well.

Lilja: How was it different to film season 2 compared to season 1? Do you feel you know your character and her place under the dome more now?
Mackenzie Lintz: In season 1, secrets were revealed. Season two, however, is very focused on the transformation of characters. After two seasons I feel like Norrie has developed into someone completely different than who she was when she first got trapped in Chester's Mill. She has had to grow up and be strong on her own so quickly. I think viewers will see that, especially in season 2.
Lilja: The series has been a huge success in the ratings but many fans of King’s book feel it’s been altered too much. What are your thoughts on that?
Mackenzie Lintz: Stephen King is a genius and wrote this incredible story that is Under the Dome. When we first started making our show, it immediately was different from the novel (Example: Norrie!!). Stephen wrote a letter to his fans telling them how involved he truly is in the show and the story. I hope they love our show as much as we do even though it is a bit different from the book.
Lilja: Are you a fan of King’s books? Have you read them all?
Mackenzie Lintz: I am definitely a fan of Stephen King's!! However, I have not read all of his novels.

Lilja: Do you have a favorite?
Mackenzie Lintz: It's impossible to have a favorite!!
Lilja: Have they told you what ending they have planned for the TV series? We know it’s not the same as in the book.
Mackenzie Lintz: So much changes from day to day so I don't think, at this point, that anyone knows what the ending will be!
Lilja: If you could pick one other King project to work with, what would that be and why?
Mackenzie Lintz: If they decide to make a movie or series adaptation of it, I would definitely want to be in 11/22/63. I absolutely love the idea of time travel and think the story is so intriguing!
Lilja: How have your life changed since Under the Dome? I guess a lot more people recognize you now?
Mackenzie Lintz: My life, in some ways, is very different. But in other ways, nothing has changed. I have the most incredible team of family and friends. I would not trade them for the world and I know that I always have my home to come back to where nothing is different. On the other end, yes, I do get recognized more. It is so sweet and I love it. Fans who would take the time to come up to me and tell me that they enjoy the show or Norrie genuinely make my day. I love creating Under the Dome and hearing that other people are loving what we are creating is the best feeling.