Fall of Gilead #5
Posted: October 8, 2009
Category: Comics

This is the second to last issue of Fall of Gilead and if the title is any indication on what’s going to happen it won’t be good things. And based on what happens in this issue it’s probably the case. The issue contains a lot of evil, deaths and betrayal and you can really feel the end getting closer.
The quality of the issue is, as the earlier issues, very good. There isn’t really anything to complain about but when it comes to the illustrations and coloring but personally I’m very curious to see what Jae has done with the next arc… The scripting is also very nicely executed and this issue is one of the most action filled issues so far and that I like.
The history lesion this time is about Gilead’s defenses and this topic works very well with the issue’s story. We also get sketches and covers that give us an idea of how the issue was created from start to finish. And, most exciting of it all, we get a preview of Jae’s sketches for the story arc The Battle of Jericho Hill.

Lilja's final words about Fall of Gilead #5:
We’re starting to see the end of The Dark Tower comic. There is one more issue before the story arc The Battle of Jericho Hill ends the entire saga and I think we’re in for an exciting last run, but first we get to see what happens to Gilead.