The Long Road Home #5
Posted: June 30, 2008
Category: Comics

Before Roland is saved The Crimson King reveals to him that he’s also the descendent of Arthur Eld. He use this to claims his right to rule the Kingdom, to be its King. However, The Crimson King suggests that he and Roland join forces and together clime the tower to rule the worlds of chaos. To no surprise Roland wants nothing to do with it and when he calls The King insane he gets a taste of his power.
This is when Sheemie who turns out to be a boy with the looks of an imbecile but with enormous powers, that if only for a short while catches Crimson King off guard, enters the stage and save Roland’s life. Unfortunately no one knows though what happens to him afterward…
The history lesson this time is longer and covers more them we are used to. The first part is called Invoking the Guardians and tells how parents try to get the blessing from the guardians of the beams to keep their children well protected. It’s an interesting piece but maybe a little too deep for the none The Dark Tower super junkies…
We also get to learn more about North Central Positronics, Dogans and Le Casse Roi Russe. These are easier to get into and my guess is that the average comic reader will find these more interesting. The issue also contains two notes. One from Robin Furth and one from Peter David in which they talk about their work on The Long Road Home and Gunslinger Born.
The issue is very visual and has a very large number of illustrations that cover both pages of a spreads. This looks very nice and actually gives the illustrations a lot more depth and detail which I like a lot. The colors in this issue also, as usual, fit the illustrations perfectly. I’m also very pleased to see more of The Crimson King. He looks as evil as he is and Jae has managed to captured his features perfectly.

As usual the issue is a very satisfying read. The story, the illustrations, the colors, everything is a joy for both mind and eye. And, it’s perfectly clear to me that Robin, Jae, Peter, Richard and the rest are very capable of delivering this comic without a previously written story from King!
Lilja's final words about The Long Road Home #5:
The story arc ends in a very satisfying way and even though I have just read the last page I’m already eager to see what Robin, Jae and the others will come up with for the third story arc. I’m sure they will have something very interesting in store for us this upcoming September.