The Dead Zone renewed for a third season
Posted: August 24, 2003, 00:00

There is also a CD out with the soundtrack from the first season.
I have also read the new edition of The Gunslinger and if you want you can now check out my review.
Here's the link to King's latest Entertainment Weekly column. It will only work if you are a subscriber or use AOL though. Thanks to John Hanic.
OK, it's time for a WARNING! As I reported earlier King have a piece in Book Magazine. Well what is promoted on the cover as At The Movies: Tom Wolfe, Gwyneth Paltrow, Stephen King, Dennis Lehane is actually just a short list of King's five favorite movies from 2002-2003.
So, this is nothing more then a small list and a big misuse of King's name by Book Magazine to sell more issues if you ask me.
BTW his favorites are: Wrong Turn, The Good Thief, Spellbound, Dark Blue and The Quite American.
Thanks to Ed Yarb for the warning.