Federico Bebber
Posted: September 25, 2017

Lilja: Please tell me a bit about yourself.
Federico Bebber: Hallo Lilja,
I’m a self-taught creative, born in Italy 1974. Started doing digital artworks at the end of the nineties. I love to create provocative dark and sensual portraits.
Lilja: You did the illustration for the US cover of Stephen and Owen King’s book Sleeping Beauties. How did that happen?
Federico Bebber: The actual illustration is a modified version of something I created almost four years ago. I was contacted by who created the composition. As a long time King fan, I was totally flattered and excited. A dream come true!
Lilja: Please tell me a bit about how the cover art was created.
Federico Bebber: It’s part of a digital series inspired by moths and butterflies, I have some kind of fixation about this.
Model is Diana Dihaze, amazing Ukrainian artist and model, textures were taken somewhere in my backyard, butterflies were shoot at "Casa delle Farfalle di Bordano" in Italy.

Lilja: Did you get to read the book before you did the cover or did you get a description of the book’s plot?
Federico Bebber: Sadly I just got a description of the book's plot. Can't wait to get my copy (thank you, Janetta, you're amazing)
Lilja: How much creative freedom did you get when you did the cover?
Federico Bebber: Every part of the process was amazing, I honestly have to say a big "Thank you" to Scribner's people, they're really professional and collaborative.
Lilja: Have Stephen and/or Owen commented on it?
Federico Bebber: They essentially choose the image, I know that they like it, and it's enough for me.
Lilja: How known is it that you did the cover? Do you get comments about it?
Federico Bebber: Some people recognized my image and wrote compliments on social media, but I'm just happy to know that my name is on the first edition of Sleeping Beauties. I feel part of the history now (just joking, people)
Lilja: It must be quite exciting to see you’re cover spread all over Internet and in bookstores?
Federico Bebber: Sure it is. And especially when it's your one of your favorite Author!
Lilja: Have you done other covers?
Federico Bebber: A lot, but this is surely the most exciting work I ever did. Last year I also did a cover for the Italian version of "Le fleur du mal” le fleur du mal"
Lilja: If you could pick one Stephen King book to make the cover for, which would you pick and how would that cover look?
Federico Bebber: The Stand! It's one of my favorite books ever but I read almost everything from himself, so it's kinda hard to choose.