Two Unconfirmed News
Posted: April 4, 2016, 00:24
News #1:

Not a Joke, Not a Drill! Dept. Well, it's not the new book news we've been waiting for, but it's the next best thing. Lawrence Block, brilliant mystery & crime novelist (whose first book featuring Matthew Scudder appeared as a limited edition featuring a foreword by Stephen King) has edited a curious and exciting new book featuring stories inspired by the work of American emotional realist painter Edward Hopper. The roster of authors is fantastic - everyone from Joe R. Lansdale to Joyce Carol Oates to Block himself - but of interest here is what appears to be a brand-new story by Stephen King. No news on the story yet, but using deductive reasoning (as these are stories written to a theme), it doesn't seem premature to believe this is all new work. The book, In Sunlight or In Shadow: Stories Inspired by the Paintings of Edward Hopper is out in hardcover December 6, and you can order it now!
Not sure if this is correct info but the book is listed on Amazon so the book is probably for real. And it probably have a story by King in it. If it’s a new one…that we don’t know just yet.

King posted this photo on facebook and twitter and then posted the following:

Now, this could be King joking or it could really be that there will be a book called Hearts in Suspension coming this fall. And if there is, is it a sequel to Hearts in Atlantis? Or are the similar titles just a coincident?
I hope to have more info on these two news items soon!